Kava, Kratom And Contrave


I have never had Kratom before, but plan to go to the Kava bar for New Years. Will it hurt me since I’ve been taking Contrave for six days now?

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I wouldn't take any chances.

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Kratom is in the Coffee Familiy, and has been used for CENTURIES by indigenous Peoples.

It tastes bad, but NO ONE has over overdosed, or died from it.

The stuff sold in head shops is usually garbage.

I tried a couple of different strains, and it litterally did nothing to me.

My Brother-in-Law is an exercise freak, and He swears by Kratom.

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Re: Tony (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

My friend has advised me to try Kava, so I'm currently looking for a good place for it. Any recs, guys?

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Hey there. It's cool that your friend put you onto Kava. It's a pretty chill way to unwind after a long day. I've tried it a few times myself, and it definitely helps take the edge off. As for where to find it, you should check out Hideout Kava Bar. They've got some killer strains, and the vibes there are super mellow. Just make sure you don't mix it with anything else, especially Kratom or Contrave. That can be a real dangerous combo. Anyway, hope you find what you're looking for and have a good time, bro!

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