Opana Endo Recall


So I heard on the news yesterday that the FDA WANTS to stop production of Endo's Opana. Now my question is are they also gonna make IMPAX/Global to stop production on their generic oxymorphone too? Or is this aimed directly at Endo? I have a script right now that I can't fill for another 2 and a half weeks. What's gonna happen when I bring it in to get filled? It's written as oxymorphone ER NOT OPANA is that gonna matter or am I screwed? Plus on a side note if I would have to get it changed (my script). Would it be too much to ask my Doc to write for 100mg MS Contin or is that too big of a jump from the oxymorphone 30mg ER that I've been getting for a year now?

I only ask that because every other milligram of MS CONTIN does not work for me. Only the 100's do anything for my pain. Don't ask me why, it's just always been like that. And also I would switch to Fentanyl but that too has been all over the news and would be hard to get filled, plus the only microgram that works for me is the 50. The 25 and 12.5 don't do s*** for my pain and it's mad expensive and my insurance probably wouldn't cover that anyways. People, this is a bad day for chronic pain patients. It just sucks. I finally found something that helped me with my pain and they're gonna rip that out from under me and force me to get something that will probably not help me at all. Anyone with any information please get back to me as far as if IMPAX/Global is being affected by this too or is it just Endo? Thank you.

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I'm about tired of the whole pill thing. Between fighting with doctors to get a adequate amount or dose to control my pain to pharmacy's not being able to fill scrips. I am about ready to try medical marijuana now that it passed here in Florida. Methadone worked for me for 8 years but now the new doctor doesn't want to prescribe it. She says it's not "accepted medicine"? Well it's accepted by me the patient. Maybe she don't get kick back from cheap methadone? Anyway, I'm leaving her joke of a practice.

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They pulled Opana off the shelves, per FDA there were too many people abusing it. I was on Opana for years and believe me I was very upset about this. This medicine was my quality of life. It helped me in so many ways. I read the paper that Endo sent to the pain clinic yesterday and NO they will put you on something else but not Opana or the generic version. Special thanks to all the abusers out there for having the FDA pull the Opanas all together off the shelves. Morphine is what I'm on now. It does help but honestly not as much as the Opana did.

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I'm just about sick of all doctors my pain doctor doesn't give me enough to control my pain. But if I would take anything else, and it would come up in my urine then I'm screwed. What is an old woman to do.

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I too have wondered as I also take the Global version of the generic....my pain doc just told me that the FDA "suggestion" (which are usually followed) was aimed at the current brand name Opana EDR since that was the one whose formulation has apparently been cracked with methods now on the net on how to abuse it...putting that crap in my vein terrifies me period..but something that might literally cause immediate clots etc is just stupid...but they're out there... He also pointed out, however, that typically the generic version will follow if the name brand is pulled...his guess is we might be able to continue our generic equiv for another 30-60 days but to watch what Purdue\Endo does...if they follow the "suggestion" then the generics won't be far behind...sad that a few *****s screw up all the legitimate patients.

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Yes they are getting the idea that it is killing people finally!!!! you need to get off all of it

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RAWDOG, the FDA press release only mentions Endo Pharmaceuticals. Your prescription is not for the brand Opana ER. It is for the generic, oxymorphone.

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Ask for M.S IR not ER. IMO Oxymorphone orally is pretty much 85% useless. That's a fact. I'm being on the conservative side rating the bio-availablity og Oxymorphone is 10% when used orally. So when You are getting an ER version or OPANA your not getting much & paying top dollar. Get good old M.S immediate release & I bet it will help You a lot. How ever your tolerance will grown very fast. Again just my opinion. Decades of severe chronic pain.

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I'm sorry, you obviously know not what real pain is. To make a statement like that shows pure ignorance of the facts. FACT: There has been NO known deaths from taking Opana exactly as prescribed. In fact this goes for any narcotic pain med....used AS Prescribed it will NOT kill you. So get stage 4 cancer with real pain & have nothing but motrin to take...good luck. It's the *****s who insist on shoving it up their noses or in their veins & taking 2..3..4+ or times the correct dose chasing a high...not treating pain, that's killing people...so take care before you paint all users of these meds with a single brush....I've been being treated more than 5 yrs...never once asked for an early script, failed a U/A for other illicit drugs and always follow the docs instructions...guess what...I'm healthy as a horse with no near death incidents...imagine that.

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well I used to take 50 milligrams of Opana a day I'm on 60 milligrams of morphine. It does help. Don't worry about the milligram. Just try what they give you and go from there. Best of luck.

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Excuse me! Are you referring to me? On the contrary, I know what true pain is. I am in a pain clinic for Gods sake. What would possess you to say something like that? I have spine problems and a list of other pain related illnesses so I'm telling you that I was on Opana and it's not the only drug that works on pain. I don't need anyone telling me that I'm not in pain. I told you I was on Opana probably longer than most. It's been years, when it first came out. I'm not comparing my pain to anyone. I'm merely telling you to get over the Opana because they took it off the market. They give you the same amount of morphine as they do what your previous dose of Opana was. Shame on you for questioning my pain. When your in pain and you have your meds taking from you well what are you gunna do? Cry about it? No you go on the meds that the doctor gives you. Period.

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Oxymorphone is Opana and they don't make it anymore. If you don't believe me wait you'll see. There giving Morphine now. Morphine is what's it oxymorphone just not as strong. If your taking a pain med for long time then I noticed I started getting used to the Opana. I'm on Morphine now and it is helping but just so you know I read the letter Endo sent my pain clinic. Because of all the abuse it's off the market now.

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Like I said they took Opana off the market and I know real pain. Why you think I was on Opana? I'm far from ignorant. You wanna know why they took it off the market? I'm trying to tell you. It's cuz of people injecting it and dying from it. Hey I'm with you. I was merely telling you why it's not available anymore. I was not injecting it and I say well why take it off the market? People will abuse other meds to. At any rate. I am upset as well. Opana helped my pain but I can't get it prescribed anymore and I know why now. I'm not agreeing with taking it away just so you know. My mom had stage 4 lung cancer and she used to say that she can't believe how I go day to day with so much pain. Mind you now she was given Morphine not Opana. I'm sorry for what your going through. I truly am but maybe if we petition. We can get it back? I don't know.

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Bertman, the FDA has requested Endo remove Opana ER from the market due to addicts breaking it down, injecting it and causing the spread of HIV due to the needles they used.

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No Cactus...I was NOT aiming that reply at you...it was for that "Rebekah" character who said this:

rebekah Says:
Wed, Jun 28 '17, 12:42 PM via mobile

"Yes they are getting the idea that it is killing people finally!!!! you need to get off all of it"

The above comments is where\why I made the statements I made. I agree with you & know that just as Opana is being pulled from shelves sadly & very soon many other meds will suffer the same fate...at those of who actually suffer from REAL PAIN are doomed to have virtually no treatments left that work for us...& then I get *****s lecturing you & I saying "oh just quit taking them" ...yea, great choice....all problems solved.....NOT!!!

I'm in Tucson so understand your (& mine) dilemma..... My worst fear is all of the meds currently available 1 by 1 will vanish as each is pulled off shelves all while no viable replacement comes to our rescue.

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So I just filled my oxymorphone 30mg ER'S its,a,major chain store. The pharmist did not say anything about not being able to get or fill these next month. Also I go to my PM DOC on Monday I'll keep you guys informed to let you all know if he wrote me another script or if and what he changese it to!!

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Thx Rawdog, good to know. I have one to fill on 7/11. I will also let the group know what happens.

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Methadone is the best, cheapest & 1 of the most well established chronic pain meds out there. Like the post above me it just doesn't come w/ the huge kick-back's that Opana deals out. Endo sorry.

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If Endo is stopping the sales and manufacturing of the Brand Opana ER (which is garbage anyway) per the request of the FDA, does that mean the companies that make the generic version will also stop sales of Oxymorphone HCL ER?

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OK gang, as promised, went to major AZ grocery chain to fill my script of the Global generic version of Opana....I had called them in advance so knew they had it in stock. I was able to fill no problem. But this is only 1 of 2 strengths I use so the next one is due on the 20th....they had already had this recent one in stock but must order the next so whether or not its there on the 20th will be the big question....I will report what happens on the 20th

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Bertman I guess your the one that says I don't know real pain? Listen my mom had stage 4 cancer and by the way I'm truly sorry to hear you are going through this. At any rate, I was on Opana and she was not. They gave her Morphine, yes just straight up morphine. I do agree that Opana should be given to you since you do have cancer. I know my pain is horrible but I will not compare it to your pain. After reading this and commenting about it. It never reaches you I guess. I'm happy it didn't because I am against taking Opana away. I'm NOT for it. I'm even ready to say give it to you and not me anymore. We need to petition. The people with true pain. I don't know if that will help. In your situation I am truly upset. I feel that they should have never stopped the Opana because of others abuse of the drug. It's not right. I hope you get relief I really do. Let me suggest something however, MORPHINE ABOUT 90-120mg you should get relief. God bless you. Please post and let us know how you are doing.

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Hey Beau, what do you mean it's been rumoured that the 40mg oxymorphone is going away? Where did you hear that from and why just the 40's not the 30's, 20's or 15's? I'm not trying to be a A**HOLE but who or what was your source? I take everything I hear on here with a grain of salt and want the things posted on here to be the truth. So please relinquish your source if you can please and thank you. I personally have not heard anything new pertaining to this issue and believe me my ears are stretched across the web and I just picked up my script from my doc today and nothing was said to me so no news is good news.

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It is rumored that oxymorphone er (40mg) will no longer be available? If this is true, how long till what supply has already been distributed will run out and what is the best comparable alternative?

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Barb, have you tried the generic for Opana witch is what I'm taking it's oxymorphone ER I get the 30mg. I would try n get that or if you go o xycontin you will at least have to get the 60's to touch your pain or the 80's if your doc will write that high. But the are SUPER expensive. Let me know what you do I'm interested to see what works best for you good luck

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OK Rawdog, Barb, etc; all,

I just checked with my local chain pharmacy & they were able to order & receive the 40mg & 30mg ER generic for Opana (the Global variety). I reported on the 30mg earlier but now they have also re-ordered & gotten the 40mg. So as of 7/15/2017 Bashas Pharmacy is able to order & still get the generic version(s) of Opana. I don't know how long this will hold here in Arizona but for you fellow desert dwellers using the brand name Opana you do have an alternative when its no longer available. Be advised your doc MUST change the script to Oxymorphone ER 40mg or whatever strength & must NOT write Opana & expect the substitution permissible to be sufficient as it cannot be filled that way...I shall report in a few weeks if it remains available for those interested.

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I need to know the same thing Opana worked great for me I don't know what I'm going to do or what they will replace it with. I take 2-40 mg opana in the morning and 2- 40 mg at night I don't know what to ask the doctor for or what he will replace it with I am very worried as I have been in pain for many many years I have been on Opana for at least for five years. Do you think Oxeycoten will work the same and if so how many mg.

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I truly feel bad for you Cactus....I know what its like as it took several years to finally get to the right set of ER\IR meds to control my pain well. And now that you've been forced off the Opana onto morphine which sounds like its doing very little for your pain other than maybe preventing withdrawls. Maybe you answered this but is your pain doc willing to allow you to attempt getting the generic?(for Opana I mean). So far both the mfr & my local pharmacy are telling me they are not yet affected by the cease\desist order that Opana was hit by. I can't say if the generic formulation will work as well for you as the brand name but having had both I can say they worked equally well for me.

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Yes your right. I mean what's to stop abuse on other meds? I believe if you are in pain management and are dropped all the time and abide by the agreement well those of us should not suffer the wrath of those that take the meds to get a high. Now how can we still get our meds? I think if your in a program they can test your levels and tell if your legit. You I mean in general. All I know is I am on Morphine now and I'm hurting so bad today. If I was still on the Opana I wouldn't be in this bed right now

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That was just totally uncalled for. Opana is a great pain medicine and just because this person fails to agree oh freaking well. Now I understand where your coming from. Omg. Ignorance plain ignorance!!!

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Thanks for sharing...sad to hear your experience was bad. I won't argue as with all meds there are always some people\meds that do NOT agree with each other. But for those who tolerate well & get significant relief from this med I hope that the generic availability will remain a viable path for now given the loss of the branded name. As earlier stated...the problem remains that once the abusers have no brand name to mis-use, they will turn to whatever is still on the shelf.....

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Just on my personal views I think Opana is a nasty nasty drug. I don't like it. I tried it twice. Of course it was prescribed for me. I did not like it at all. When I did take it I would get violently ill. I don't think Opana is a very good drug at all and I have talked with other people and they have been deadly sick off of this drug. Please be careful. Best wishes.

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