Quetiapine Withdrawal? Don't Even Think About It!


I was prescribed 25mg Quetiapine, because I was still going down-hill with depression, and it seemed to do the trick. However, in a bid to save NHS money, my psychiatrist decided that the dose was so small (he claimed that it was almost 'homeopathic') that I should stop taking it. I did, and after one week, I was having hallucinations, and after 2 weeks I was having a major psychiatric episode, and my wife wanted to stick me in the local unit. She got my GP to put me back on it, and, after a few weeks, I was back to 'normal'. My haematologist reckons that my daily chemo for leukaemia increases the effect of Quetiapine

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Hello, Richard! How are you doing? I am very sorry about what you've been through.

What chemo are you on? This information would enable me to research this more for you.

Regardless, it is never possible to know for sure how any given medication will affect any person that tries it, even if it is a very low dose, or how they may react to a sudden withdrawal, as detailed by the NIH.

Are you on any other medications?

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I have Imatinib (400mg) for the leukaemia,

Amitriptyline (75mg), Gabapentin (900mg x3), morphgesic (20mg x2) and oramorph (as much as needed) for the sciatica.

For IHD, I have isosorbide mononitrate (60mg), Nicorandil (30mg x2), Ranolazine (500mg x2), Perindopril (2mg) Nebivolol (5mg) Rosuvastatin (10mg)

Vitamin B12 injections for pernicious anaemia

Mirtazipine (30mg) and Quetiapine (25mg) for depression

Levothyroxine (50mcg) for hypothyroidism.

Tolterodine Tartrate (4mg) for bladder control.

I think that's about it.


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Due to the pain of bilateral sciatica, and all the side effects of the massive amount of drugs, guess what.
Absolutely right, I'm going downhill again with the depression, and that is one place I do not want to be. I am traipsing round most of the best hospitals for someone to put an end to this misery of pain and suffering, and they might, while they are at it, do something about the sciatica. I feel like I am being denied treatment because I have a damaged heart, and that I am 67 years old, so why should they bother with me?
My one rock is my wife, who is trying to help me through the "brain-fog" of these pain-killers and other drugs. She speaks up for me when I cannot describe what it is like. Even though she works full time, she is taking time off to help me. I think that she is getting toward the end of her tether with the frustration of the NHS (UK).

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