Doctors Who Will Prescribe Xanax In Staten Island (Top voted first)


I have proof that I was on Xanax recently. I was told all I have to do is show my proof that I was and am diagnosed with general anxiety disorder. So I need a new doctor to write me scripts, I didn't abuse it, I took it as prescribe by my doctor.

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Hello, Debbie! How are you?

I'm not sure who told you that and why, but that is not correct. Regardless of your diagnosis and what medication you were prescribed for it, no other doctor is required to just write you a prescription for that same thing, or to write you a prescription for anything, for that matter

The only thing you can do is set up an appointment with a new doctor, make sure they receive a full copy of your medical records, then discuss your treatment options. They may, or may not prescribe Xanax for you.

This medication carries the risk of being habit forming and could cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache and irritability.

Can anyone suggest a good doctor in that area?

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Ure and addict that's you he "dismissed" unrelated.

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I need a doctor that will prescribe me xanax in oconee county sc . My doctor dismissed me as a patient

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My Dr retired I. Am a senior have. A lot of medical conditions. And anxiety do to. The lost of my. Whole family any Dr in Staten Island Perscribe Xanax for a senior

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Re: Phyllis sava (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Why not have a talk with your primary Doctor, who possibly could suggest a Psychiatrist, if not comfortable themselves helping you. Doctors are more hesitant to write for controlled medicines like Xanax for Seniors, its a sad fact of aging. I'm 63 & my Doctor is 75, always tells me how young I am. Older Doctors can be a hoot!

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