10mg Diazepam Actavis Uk (Page 3)


In simple terms they are are actavis 10mg tablets. Markings C DC with a split line through the middle. Light blue, blank on one side in sealed silver strips, with 14 to each. They don't seem to be good.

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They're next to useless

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Hey I just got a pack of 28 10mg actavis. They came in proper package instruction silver foil. They're blue and the say C with a line underneath and then dc.

Comes with a barcode on the foil pack that reads BN 059N138

Expiry date is 08/23

I took a dose in the last 3 hours, I can feel it but not seen something online about the C and the DC.

I put under tounge melted very quickly and was chalky

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Re: Gavaldo (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Diazepam have a slight bitter taste after swallowing ~ they do not melt in mouth either ~ mostly counterfeits going about ~ I know when it is the real thing, but it's rare now ~ there are teva 5mg that are generic.

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Re: Chinaman (# 40) Expand Referenced Message
i get a small~yery~amount of accord from gps~blood out of a stone~they are crunchy and a v slight bitterish aftertaste~they are only 2mg~this has been so for any real diazeram i've ever had~soft and chalky~not reeal~sweet~not real

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Re: Chinaman (# 40) Expand Referenced Message

Re: Gazzi79 (Fri 18-12-20)

Your post is spot on. I have had at least fourteen (14 boxes) containing blisters of once 14 pills per blister, all with a C scoreline DC and blank on other side light blue, each box of "Actavis Diazepam 28 tabs" have these ID numbers end of box

A. PC # 14 digits
B. SN # 12 digits
C. Lot # 5 digits
D. Exp # 6 digits

Note: all 14 boxes of these pills are either one of these ID's

Lot # DC 371 or Lot # 373, the former have Exp date of 01/2022 the latter have Lot # DC 373 with Exp date of 06/2022 Also got poor quality UK diaz with just a "10" on light color blue allegedly 10mg pill, blank other side, as far back as 2012 !

I know enough to give a College lecture without any notes, all I will say on this public thread is "you are NOT getting what you are paying for". Not just my opinion, but backed up by GC/MS Lab tests, and all I am willing to share is they came from a legit source from the UK. Imho this started out as far back as 2012, but, got much worse by 2018/2019 !! Also (hint) Braille on each box of so-called "Actavis". imho, the odds of getting what you pay for Diaz made in UK, for 10 mg of diaz are at best 50% or at worst 80%+ you are getting the bait & switch plan. In UK & especially in MX all my Diaz came from pharmacies or "pharmacias" per Latino.

I am no fool, retired from airlines, I know my diaz, as UK / Pakistan / especially Mexico are by far the most counterfeit Diaz, I have found in the past 25 years ! I can print no more, if I do, it may not get approved for publication.

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Re: Ridgerunner (# 45) Expand Referenced Message

Hi thank you for your advice on here, my son has got 2 packets of these actavis 10mg and I've been searching everywhere for information about them as I'm so worried that they are fake.

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Re: Mr Diaz (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

Where did you get that info from? I've been prescribed diazepam 10mg for years now & they're always blue, 14 in a strip & usually in a box of 28. They have CDC on one side & a line on the other. They come from a number of pharmaceutical company's who have different names. The most popular one I get are actavis but I have had other makes before. The blue 10's are still very much in use. Well they are in the UK anyway.

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Blue diazepam are still in use. Well they are in the UK anyway! I've been prescribed 10mg diazepam for many years & I've always got blue from the pharmacy. Actavis 10mg blue. They come in strips of 14 in a box of 28. They have CDC on one side & I a line on the other. I've taken these ones for years & they're fine. White diazepam are the 2mg & 20mg. Yellows are 5mg & blue are 10mg. Least that's how it is in Britain. So if you get 10mg in blue they're not necessarily bad! Counterfeits tend to come separate in plastic tubs. Genuine ones are usually in strips of 14 & in boxes of 28. Also check the batch number. Also check the box batch number & expiry date against the strip. The same batch numbers on the box & the expiry date on the box should be the same on the pack of 14 strips. If you don't get a box or the batch & expiry date don't match throw them away.

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Re: Lexi (# 47) Expand Referenced Message

Good to know, some people say actavis don't make them anymore, it should be accord brand on the box

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I have diazepam ranbaxy 10mg white with no marks split. Might as well be chalk. Taking bensiden at present, not much use. GP's giving crescent now. God help us.

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Re: JILLY (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

Ref your post #30 11-03-2021 I just read new hardcover book my USA Psychiatrist suggest I read, (saw book in his office) it is called "Bottle Lies" subtitled (The Inside Story of the Generic Drug Boom) author Katherine Eban (2019) Harper/Collins NY 482 pages. (Original Hardcover) a/k/a maybe now in paperback version, subtitled "Ranbaxy and the Dark Side of the Moon" (by same author, same book". This book is "heavily documented".

All I know, is I tried the former diazepam just after "Ranbaxy (world hdqtrs Gurgaon, India) purchased Terepia (formerly a long running pharmaceutical plant from Romania) and was very disappointed in the quality, (around yrs 2010 to 2012). Ranbaxy purchased controlling interest in Terapia I estimate around late 2006. Once a higher quality generic version of Diazepam.

Ranbaxy (once had IDK for the here & how) had USA divisions in New Jersey & Florida for Ranbaxy's distributions of various pharma products inside the USA. I have (over 10 yrs ago) several times the Ranbaxy version of both USA version of Adderall 20 I/R generic by Ranbaxy + the version of Diazepam, still on blister pack, as terapia diazepam, but, marketed in Romania, and, now mfg under mfg of Ranbaxy.

Both were extremely poor in bio-equivalence, and, in bio-availability (one came from USA brick & mortar pharmacy with script from my M.D, another came from a source in the E.U.) I've had a relationship with for ten years. If you live in UK there is a lab that will test your pharmaceutical product with a GC/MS test, and, I highly respect this firm, don't know about the rules here, it is a firm out of Wales UK & the postmark sample MUST have a UK return address (mainly a UK Zip Code) as this lab, only serves UK citizens, at least in past 5+ yrs.

I urge any one, with doubts about some international meds, especially benzo's like (Actavis Diaz Teva Diaz, and even still Ranbaxy owned Terepia (all of the three diaz mentioned are 10 mg tabs), to read the above book. I have had a relationship non stop with a highly regarded pair of several USA Psychiatrists for the past 30 yrs (for most of my meds).

The generic problem imho is worldwide, not just in USA or the UK, but, has now spread worldwide. (except maybe for diazepam or alprazolam in some countries in the Eastern EU). (target specific proprietary protected brand names of those 2 benzo's). I have nearly given up on any diaz now from the UK. (at least on 10 mg of any diaz).

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I agree would rather take a european brand than crescent , actavis or ñewly almus same thing and teva are good these crescent i swear i needed 4 10mg for the same effect as 1 x 10mg of actavis or teva

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Re: Chinaman (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

my gps giving accord and crescent at present~but they g ive so few~~

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Re: JILLY (# 43) Expand Referenced Message
actavis do melt in ur mouth i been takin them for years

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Actavis have been taken over by Accord. So you won't get boxes with Actavis on them but it will say Accord. They were taken over about 6 years ago.

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yes i have some~simple chalk~another 50 plus down drain~

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Re: Chinaman (# 49) Expand Referenced Message

Its almus bro who make them. But in the box its actavis tablets. You also get accord mate totally different make than Teva. And the worst uk make i think is crescent other people differ. For example the lady hates bensedin which is the serbia ones, but i used to think they were the best generic in the uk. I do not take diazepam now as i'm intolerant to them they just don't work.

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Re: Fedora (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

There are so many counterfeit actavis in this country. They are the most forged diazepam in the world and the copies are good along with the boxes. I had some tested at wedinos in Cardiff and they came back as Flubromazolam (which is a very potent benzo). It's a Japanese designer drug and can be very dangerous at high doses.

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Re: Gary moore (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

These, along with Bensedin are KILLING PEOPLE right now. Do Not Buy! Please.

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Pink Diazepam "Ifafonal" mfg by IFA (Mexico)MG, IS 10 MG. ARE THEY 100% REAL?

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