Aurobindo Alprazolam 2 Mg
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I have taken Alprazolam for months and not had any major problems with its effectiveness. Mylan by far worked the best. But now with Aurobindo brand I feel like I’m taking a "sugar pill". The prescribed dose is 2mg as needed up to 4 times a day. The first day I took all 8 mg, despite not filling them until 5:00 pm. I didn’t sleep that night at all and the next day took just as many, with a tiny slice of relief from my anxiety. Usually I don’t take more than 2.5mg- 3 mg a day. I don’t want to have to depend on anything to help me feel “normal”. I filled this drug 03/23/2021. Please tell me, is anyone else going through the same thing?!?!?

37 Replies (2 Pages)

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Re: Shezie (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

Greenstone is the authorized Generic of Xanax. They feel exactly the same to me.

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thank you for your reply. yes aurobindo is very weak it does not work very well nor does sandoz. the teva brand generic alprazolam works much better I can tell. breckenridge worked well too but they stopped making it & told me they will no longer be making it.

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Re: AlprazoFan (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

Interesting, I am on Medicare and when I was taking OxyContin they would only pay for the name brand. It was so unusual the Pharmacy didn’t believe me. The insurance paid for the first one to give me “notice” so when I went to fill the second one they tried to tell me they couldn’t fill it because they only had namebrand. Great because that’s the only thing my insurance will pay for. They still argued with me. And I find it super sketchy that you the United States government insurance will only pay for Purdue medication despite Purdue defrauding this whole entire country for years.

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Re: James (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

CVS and Rite Aid use the same distributor, then Walgreens and Walmart use the same distributor. I live in New England and the Wallgreens around here doesn’t buy from that terrible manufacturer. I used to use Rite Aid and I had to switch because they wouldn’t get anything else and I’m not buying fake medication. The pharmacist knows too, when I complained to him about their meds he said “well they are FDA approved” and I said just barely look at what happened to Aurobindo and their Adderall, you guys sold it for years and it’s FAKE. He smirked because he knows.

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Re: Not a lemming (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Adderall? Nah son, it’s not. But whatever, my brain doesn’t make a proper amount of dopamine so I have to buy it at the store. I don’t feel bad about that at all.

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I see that I replied to this a couple years ago, and since then I am delighted to report that they cannot make Adderall anymore because they were doing such a bad job. Unfortunately that may be why we’ve had Adderall shortages for a while, but I would rather not get anything than get fake ones so I’m OK with this.

Please report stuff like this to the FDA. It helps even if it takes forever. I see a whole bunch of people were complaining about Rhodes oxycodone a year ago. They are fine now. The company heard and fixed it I guess. Or the FDA audited them and told them they’re failing, idk. I haven’t looked at any FDA actions against that pharmaceutical company, I’m just happy that Aurobindo got in trouble.

Also, Walgreens and Walmart don’t usually order from this horrible company, so if your pharmacy won’t get anything other than this one, try a Walgreens or a Walmart. They seem to have higher standards for their generic medication.

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Re: Optimistic (# 14) Expand Referenced Message

Thanks got the info. I just moved to one 2mg XR because I thought my panic/ agoraphobia was in overdrive.

Then I looked at the manufacturer. It isn't me. This stuff is crap. It dissolves like an instant release. My other ones were like concrete. And the did indeed dissolve in XR fashion. I thought I was getting worse. Nope. It's cheaply made from India and other abroad companies with NO oversight.

The worst part? Some prescribers think you're overusing/abusing. NO! I just want to leave my house.

Thanks for your post.

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Re: AlprazoFan (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

YES!!!!! One 1mg XR from any company otherness than Arobindo gets rid of panic for up to 12-16 hours. This crap takes 3-4 MG and does NOTHING.

That's not anecdotal, that is just FACT for those of us who sadly have issues that are debilitating when not treated.

(STOP trying to look like an intellectual and READ the thousands of prescribed patients. Those ARE the test subjects.

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yes I am suffering the same. I'm glad I know it's not in my head. I tried to tell them this at the emergency room last night but they don't understand.

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Re: KS (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

agree I'm having bad side effects & they work half as long & half as good. what side effects are you having ? thank you. at the e.r. last night with severe withdrawal symptoms thank God no seizure no coma or worse.

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Re: Marylandmaven (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I think their making them like this so that you have to take more & more so you can never get off of it. also they are putting something in it that causes bad side effects.

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Re: Not a lemming (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I agree my jaws feel tight, I have tremors, insomnia, they are putting some ingredient in them that causes bad side effects. I had to go to e.r. last night due to withdrawal like symptoms.

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Re: Megz (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

breckenridge no longer is making alprazolam I called them.

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Re: Megz (# 17) Expand Referenced Message

I think not only are they weak they've added something in them to cause bad side effects. I want off of them but im afraid of seizures coma & death.

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Re: Aurobindosucks (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

the pharmacies don't care they go with the cheapest manufacturer they can get even if it destroys the patients.

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Yes, I too just started on a new refill of aurobindo because the pharmacy only had this brand in stock. I ended up in the e.r. last night due to withdrawal symptoms. The aurobindo won't let me sleep, tightness in my jaws, tremors, no appetite, like a nervous breakdown. I believe there is something in them that causes insomnia & tension & withdrawal symptoms. Now my doctor has put me on Seroquil just for sleep. There's something dangerous in this drug/brand. I wish I could never take it, but seizures, coma & death are worse. I reported this to aurobindo and got a case number but it's been 2 days with no response.

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Re: readmorebooks1 (# 9) Expand Referenced Message

I called breckenridge pharmaceutical & they said they are no longer going to make alprazolam.

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Re: Shezie (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

I agree, I've been taking Greenstone for 25 years with no problem this " Aurobindo " brand
Is just not working right I'm surprised I haven't had withdrawls from these yet give back my Greenstone, Sandoz, Pfizer and, stop playing games with what and what not works.

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Re: James (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I totally agree. I've been taking Greenstone brand with no problem for 25 years. Now my only go to pharmacist has this "Aurobindo" brand which is like taking nothing. The only thing it does (which I'm lucky) is not throw me into withdrawals. And, that's saying that lightly. There should be a law against this. Give me back my Greenstone, Sandoz, or Pfizer. Keep this "Aurobindo" brand off the shelves.

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Re: Marylandmaven (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I agree, I've gotten used to Greenstone brand Then switched over to Aurobindo. ( which dont work at all ) I've had Sandoz before. They work. Wish I could get them again. Or, Greenstone
Why is it so hard for companies like Aurobindo to get there act together.

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