Bisoprolol Forums (Page 4)

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Yellowish color with the letters TEVA on one side the numbers 5728 on the other side. What are they for? ## This tablet contains Famotidine 20 mg (NDC 0172-5728), which is an antacid used for treating stomach issues such as heartburn or GERD. Inactive Ingredients: - Silicon Dioxide - Hypromelloses - Magnesium Stearate - Cellulose, Microcrystalline - Polyethylene Glycol 3000 - Polyethylene Glycol 4000 - Starch, Corn - Sodium Starch Glycolate Type a Potato - Talc - Titanium Dioxide - Ferric Oxide Yellow - Lactose Monohydrate - Ferric Oxide Red - Triacetin Ref: DailyMed

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small white pill 10mgm heart med ## I need information on side affects of this drug. thank youi ## Hi! Rhoxal is actually the manufacturer's name, the drug name is Bisoprolol, they just usually list their proprietary name as Rhoxal's Bisoprolol, which is why finding information was hard. Here's the monograph listing with more information for you: Bisoprolol Info Click Here ## I need a list of side effects for rhoxalbisoprolol 5 ## can the use of both methyldopa & rhoxal bisoprolol cause you to become very drowsy? ## i am lightheaded and have to sit down ## What are the side effects of alcohol and this drug?

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Hi. I'm on 1.25mg per day of Bisoprolol Fumarate. My resting heart rate goes down to about 45 BPM at times. Should I be concerned? ## Hi Paul, Some safety guidelines for this medication state that your blood pressure should be checked regularly to determine your response to bisoprolol. Your doctor may ask you to check your pulse (heart rate) and if your pulse is faster or slower than it should be, it recommends that you call your doctor. I do agree that 45 bpm is pretty low and could possibly mean that you should adjust your dosage a bit if at all possible. 1.25mg appears to be a pretty low dose of the medication, but I'd ask your doctor about cutting it in half if need be. I hope this helps! ## Thanks for this excellent, detailed response, David. Great advice!

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Hi. I'm on 1.25mg per day of Bisoprolol Fumarate. My resting heart rate goes down to about 45 BPM at times. Should I be concerned? ## Have you talked to your doctor about it? That is a very low heart rate, so it may signify another health problem, or it could mean that this just isn't the right medication for you to use.

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Does Bisocor 5mg, taken in the morning, make one sleepy during the day? ## This contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol, which is a beta blocker that is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions and yes, it may cause drowsiness as a side effect. Such side effects, however, should wear off within a few weeks, as your body adjusts to the medication. Are there any other questions? ## I am on Warfarin at the moment, but suffer severely from spondolytis in the L4 and L5 region as well. Will a cortisone injection agitate the Warfarin?

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I have been on concor 2.5mg for the last 4 months. Recently I started having swelling in my legs. Could it be due to this medicine? I have gotten a lot of tests done, but nothing was found. Can someone please help me? ## Concor contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol and there are rare cases where it can cause the fluid retention that can lead to such swelling. Has your doctor had you try any type of diuretic to remove the fluid?

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Is overdose dangerous? ## An overdose of anything has the potential to be dangerous. Cardiloc contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol, which is a beta blocker that is most commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. Taking too much of it could result in severely lowered blood pressure, heart rate and breathing rate. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with?

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I have been on bisoprolol for about a year now 2.5 mg, untilled about a month ago my doc said to start taking ittaking it twice. Morn and,Eve..its been about a month since the change and now I'm noticing my vision is alittle of and I get alittle lightheaded. Should I go back down to 2.5 again? ## Have you consulted your doctor? What have your blood pressure levels been? The symptoms you're experiencing might be due to its falling too low, sometimes. However, you'll need to have it checked and discuss any possible dosage change with your doctor.

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I have blood pressure problems my blood pressure is 170/100 will adcor-bisocor 5mg a day help to lower my blood pressure. thank you ## What has your doctor advised you to use? This contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol, which is a beta blocker that is used to help lower blood pressure and your numbers are very high, so you do need to do something to lower them. Side effects may include: nausea, headache, dizziness and stomach pain. Learn more:

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Can you take anti-inflammatory pills (Diclofenac) whilst on Bisoprolol Fumerate pills? ## I am taking norvasc 5mg for a long time (about 10 years) for treating hypertension. Sometimes, when I found my B.P. is somewhat high, I used 2.5 mg indapamide at morning. This treatment is working till ONE week ago. I always found a high B.P., I raised norvasc dose into 2 tablets 5mg, one at morning and one at night. It works till yesterday and My B.P. IS SHOOTING AGAIN. My question is can I take CONCOR 5 mg tab. once a day instead, taking into consideration I had an old history of allergic bronchitis? Thanks

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Could biso fum/hct tab 5-6.25mg cause heart problems.I had a electrocardgram and it showed an abnormality and my doctor took off this medicine that i have been taking several years. Could this be the reason i am having heart problems. Now they are talking pace maker. ## Bisoprolol is a beta blocker and they can sometimes cause palpitations, because of their mechanism of action in the body, but they are not usually dangerous and generally don't persist once the medication is discontinued. What has your doctor said has caused it? It is probably more likely that your heart problems have been caused by something else, such as the condition you were taking it for to begin with, like hypertension.

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I was taking Bisoprolol and had a bad reaction in the sun. I had sunscreen on but it didn't help. My skin now looks like I have been burned with hot oil and it hurts to be out in the sun. I have discontinued it for over a week now and I am getting ready to go on a cruise. What can I do about being in the sun? ## Stay out of the sun, as much as possible, and use good coverage options, when you have to be in it. Once you have a burn like that, your skin is going to be more sensitive, for awhile, so you need to be extra careful. You should also make sure to keep your fluid intake up and use a much stronger sunscreen than normal. Has your doctor given you any advice?

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can you overdose on this medication ## It's possible to overdose on any medication, if you take too much of it. Bisoprolol is a beta blocker that is commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. Since it does have an effect on heart function and circulation, taking too much of it can result in severely lowered blood pressure and heart rate, either of which could put someone in danger of death. Are there any comments or questions?

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I am taking bisoprolol 5 mg daily for tachycardia. I now have a lung infection for which I usually take azithromycin and prednisone. How do these pills interact? I desperately need to take the antibiotics, and prednisone, SO i WON'T END UP IN THE HOSPITAL. ## There are no interactions found (in the drug databases I checked in) between Bisoprolol and Azithromycin; however, this does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. ALWAYS consult with your doctor or pharmacist. I did check and find that there "are" interactions between Prednisone and Bisoprolol: Corticosteroids (Prednisone) may antagonize the effects of antihypertensive medications (Bisoprolol) by inducing sodium and fluid retention. Patients on prolonged (i.e., longer than about a week) or high-dose corticosteroid...

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this medecine used for what cause of sickness,doctor just give me ## This contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol, it is a beta blocker that is used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and headache. Learn more: Is there anything else I can help with?

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HII CAN ANY1 TELMEE DA ANSWER OF MY QUESTION MY HUSBAND TKE CONCOR TWICE A DAY 1 TABLET IN MORNING AND 1 IN NIGHT IZ IT OK OR ANY SIDEEFFECT???????? ## All medications carry the risk of side effects, even over the counter products, however, what you have to keep in mind is that if he has high blood pressure, it is far more risky to let his condition get out of control. Concor contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol, which is a beta blocker that is used to treat hypertension and some cardiac conditions. Side effects may include: nausea, headache, weight changes and stomach pain. Learn more: Are there any other questions or comments?

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Is it better to take my 5mg dose in the morning or evening? ## What has your doctor advised? This contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol, which is a beta blocker that is commonly used to treat high blood pressure and certain cardiac conditions. Side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, headache and stomach pain. Learn more: In most cases, doctors will prescribe these types of medications to be taken in the morning, because then it helps give better blood pressure control during the times of day that you are most active and it may have the most fluctuations. However, if someone experiences a lot of side effects, then they may be told to take it in the evening, to prevent experiencing these problems during the day. Therefore, it's always best to consult your doctor on when the b...

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my doctor advice me to take daily 1 of Zabesta tablet i want to know for what purpose n does it has side effects? ## Zabesta contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol, it is a beta blocker used to treat high blood pressure and cardiac conditions. And yes, all medications carry the risk of side effects, with this one, you may experience: nausea, dizziness, stomach pain and headache. Learn more: Are there any other questions?

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I have been taking 5 mg x 2 of Bisoprolol Fumarate for about 10 years. Recently pharmacy substituted Bisoprol Fumarate. For the past few months I have experienced itching like crazy with small bumps. I have heard of this reaction to Toporol, but am wondering if this substitution could be the culprit for me. ## Bisoprol is just another brand name for Bisoprolol, so the active ingredient is the same, however, the inactive ingredients could be different and that may be what is causing your problem. Not many people react to them, which is why they are considered inactive, but even though it is rare, it does happen. Have you consulted your doctor? It sounds like it could be hives, which is an allergic reaction, so it is important that you get too the root of the problem.

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I have been prescribed Dco-Biscor 5 mg 1/4 daily What is the nearest dosage available? ## Adco Bisocor contains the active ingredient Bisoprolol, it is a beta blocker that is used to treat hypertension and cardiac conditions. I am afraid it is only available in 5mg or 10mg tablets, so if your doctor wants you take less, you will have to cut the tablet. It may cause side effects, like: nausea, headache, dizziness and drowsiness. More details: Are there any other comments or questions?

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