Contrave And Celexa
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I just filled my prescription and will be starting tomorrow. I'm excited but nervous as I'm on Celexa and I've read that there is a possibility of major side effects. Has anyone else experienced anything?

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Re: Sarah (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Call your doctor to confirm.

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Re: Tiny (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

How did it work out for you? I’m nervous about taking the contrave on Celexa.

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Take Celexa 20mg and starting Contrave tomorrow. Should I be concerned.

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I'm taking contrave and Celexa. I have been on for 2 months. My last period was very very light and this month not at all. I took a pregnancy test and it was negative. I use Nuva ring and usually start as soon as I take it out. Could this combo of meds be the reason?

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The Bupropion in the Contrave can increase the effect of Celexa, so you do need to be careful of that and your doctor may need to adjust your dosage of it.

The FDA lists the typical side effects as possibly including nausea, dizziness, headache, insomnia, nervousness and anorexia.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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