Docs Who Will Prescribe High Dosage Pain Killers (Top voted first)


I am from Bakersfield,ca and my current dr. stop to prescribing Roxicodone or oxycodone and Xanax to me I am looking for another doctor who will prescribe these types of medications to me and in a larger quantity I can only get 50 at a time once every 10 to 20 days I'm looking for 90 to 120 prescription pills once or twice a month because I travel out of town and it's not enough now I am just out cold turkey!! I don't wanna turn to street drugs!! :( can anyone help ASAP?!

3 Replies

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I know this thread is old but what you posted about Courtney going to detox and pill mills is very rude and judgemental. Haven't you ever heard of the golden rule of pain? Pain is whatever the sufferer states he or she is experiencing and nobody else has a right to say that it is anything different. So before you judge, maybe try and understand.

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Hello Court! How are you?

Due to the new regulations that were put in place last year, if you require such medications on a long-term ongoing basis, you'll need to see specialists. A PCP will not be able to prescribe them for you. There are also limits on how many they can prescribe, so your maximum would most likely be 90 per month, but perhaps 120 depending. Exceptions for more are only made now for those who suffer from intractable pain due to a possibly fatal condition, such as stage 4 cancer.

The mentioned medications carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth, drowsiness, irritability, headache, mood swings and constipation.

Can anyone recommend a good doctor in that area?

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You need to find a detox clinic that's what you need seriously i suffer from a broken neck that has been infused twice and most I'm given is 60 and both oxyicotin and oxyicodone at milligrams of 40 and 30 and been getting the same for the last 15 years and I'm still in pain okay,so good luck finding a pill mill or just do yourself a favor and go into rehab because no doctor's going to give you that because that's what you want and not once have you said anything about your pain or the level of your pain!

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