Doctors Who Will Prescribe Xanax In San Antonio, Tx (Page 8) (Top voted first)


I recently moved to San Antonio, TX and need to find a local doctor that will prescribe me xanax for my anxiety.

152 Replies (8 Pages)

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Re: Nika (# 141) Expand Referenced Message

Hello what dr do you go to I can't find any dr

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Re: Gcubed (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hi. Can you please help me? I'd like to know the doctor's name, as I too need a prescription. My original doctor went to a different network. Thank you.

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Do they make you take a drug panel on your first visit? (I would only fail for marijuana). Also just moved to Texas and have been prescribed xanax for about 4 years now and now that I'm in Texas I don't know where to go.

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Can u please email his name nfo... i suffer chronic agoraphobia and severe spinal pain

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I would be curious and finding a doctor who could give me my anxiety medication I have been on it since my early twenties and I'm 47 now and my doctor has retired and his partner will not prescribe my Xanax any suggestions

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Re: EDDY (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

Couldn't agree more. The best thing these people could do is get off the benzos. I've been in this position, and it'll ALWAYS be a struggle to obtain these meds as doctors will retire, die, limit the # of narcotic prescriptions, etc.
The fact remains that benzos weren't developed for long term use for anxiety. If I can get off them, anyone can. I've been free from those pills for 3 years... best decision I've ever made.
There are other ways to manage debilitating anxiety. Many of these people claim they're not drug seeking because they don't abuse their medication... ???

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Re: acan (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Why don’t you just go see a psychiatrist? If you’ve been on these medication they’ll probably just give them to you.

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Re: Emma (# 108) Expand Referenced Message

I have been on Xanax XR for several years with my Psych Doc in SA… he is great but would never prescribe Xanax Initially. You have to go thru multiple other meds first…. Caution: Benzodiazepines are EXTREMELY HARD to get off. Hence, why Docs are hesitant to prescribe and only if you truly have GAD ( Generalized Anxiety Disorder). Good luck

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Re: Sito (# 118) Expand Referenced Message

If you did get that drs name can you please forward it to me thanks

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Hi I'm moving from South Florida to Phoenix and I need to find a doctor that will prescribe me my Xanax I'm currently taking 2mg 3x a day. Can anyone refer me to a doctor in Phoenix for direct me I would highly appreciate it i've been on Xanax for over five years and my anxiety is really high even thinking about how to find a doctor that they're so any advice would help thank you.

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Re: Babydoll (# 42) Expand Referenced Message

The biggest Christmas present you can get for yourself this year is to stay off Xanax and any addictive medicine!

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Re: EDDY (# 136) Expand Referenced Message

She needs to be treated for her addiction to benzos by a physician. Depending on the situation, there are other medications that are effective in preventing seizures.

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