How Long Does It Take For The Withdrawals To Go Away After Taking Suboxone (Top voted first)


Hi, I was put on the 8 mg. strips at 3 per day in Oct. 2012..I used 3 per day for a couple of month's.. I quickly tapered down to 1&1/2 of the strip's per day..I got so tired of being on it so I began to stock pile it to withdraw on it at home.. I got down to 1-2 mg.s per day for about the past month and began yesterday (Monday) withdrawing..It's now Tuesday (July 9,2013) and still feel like I did yesterday.. No vomiting nor the big "D" but sweating, lethargic, chilling, feel achy, etc.. How long will it take for the withdrawal's to completely go away..PLEASE answer ASAP & THANKS....Oh, don't scare me about it because I'm all ready an emotional wreck..

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A little back story first, I was on subs for six years, prescribed 12 mg however like many others abused it and took as much as 32 mg a day. Now to awnser your question, ittook 6 months to taper down to .75 and at that point being December 13 th I jumped. I experienced minimal withdrawals from day 1 1/2 to day 5, they worst of it came around day 12 and slowly started dissipating. The key for me was plenty of fluids and good food, I treated my body as if it were sick and did whatever I thought would help it. Aside from that chlonodine was a huge help with the RLS( which was the biggest hassle for me during this ordeal). Now I have 5 weeks under my belt and feel greaT, not quite 100% but I'm grateful I made it this far. The hardest part is mental, be strong anyone can do it if they part they're mind to it, a better version of ourself waits on the other side!!

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It has been a couple of days since your post and I am assuming you are still off of the subs and I applaud you if you made the jump. That is exactly what they are intended to do, You should have no withdrawal symptoms after 2mgs a day for that period. Congratulations. To the uneducated and yes I am talking to the post above the withdrawal from subs is minimal to none if you taper properly. To the person above considering subs and anyone else who is, it saved my life, my profession and my marriage. With proper use and slowly tapering down subs can do he same for anyone. But I will say I would think the acetaminophen should have killed that person before the codeine. My god, that stuff is more lethal than any opiate. I would be more concerned with your liver health than your opiate addiction.

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Im on 2 strips a day..and I can live on 1..its been 2 months since Ive been on them and Ive had to go a week without due to state approval issues..but withdrawals are not good and they dont let up it seems...I wish I wouldve never picked up a bag of ruined joy no life no energy. But dont get me wrong..Im thankful for the suboxone.

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get off the subs rite now to avoid the horrible withdrawals...i promise u the opiates r outta ur system and ull be better off with those lingering symptoms than going thru the sub withdrawals

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the sooner u get off of them the lesser chance u have of withdrawals... use them only at the height of ur opiate withdrawals and u wont get addicted to the subs

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I am on day 3 of withdrawal. It sucks. I have the worst anxiety ever, insomnia, and my eyes feel like they have been dialted from the eye dr. I cant focus on anything.This is my second time tryin to get off suboxone. The first time was way worse. I went to the emergencey room 3 times in two days. I lasted 8 days. Plus I have a four year old. So I feel so guilty for her. I try to do what I can but u cant . U lay down u have to get up, ur just never comfortable. I googled home remedies about anxiety and they had some ggood advice. This time around I got a prescription of lorazepam for my anxiety and a prescription of ambien. It has helped. Its so hard but u gotta stay posotive. Just take one day at a time. I'm goin to suceed this time. I am doin it for me and my daughter. I always felt like I was all alone. This website has helped me a lot.I wish everyone the best.

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I have been taking suboxone for 2 years. I watch tapered myself down to 2mg a day. I haven't had any in 6 days and I have had no withdrawals at all??? Is it to early for withdrawals??

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Hi, Shay!

A day or two really isn't enough for your body to process it out and get back to normal, after being on it for awhile. It will take about 4 to 6 weeks, though the symptoms will slowly ease up as more time passes.

Some of it will depend on you and how your body reacts to such things, so the time frame may be a little shorter or longer, there's no way for anyone to really say.

How are you feeling today?

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How many mg are you jumping off from? I'm surprised you found a doc to prescribe a Benzo while have been on Subs. I have tried amny times to get off but the insomnia and depression are terrible!

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14 days for me off subs. I have ups and downs. Thanks for me reading post reminds me not to give up!!!!

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guys, seriously. don't just be so quick to jump off suboxone. I mean, if you're a years long sub user, that's fine but be smart about it, tapering may also take years. the relapse rate after stopping suboxone is very very high. suboxone is a medication, just like everything else. they can all be "bad" for you. I'm not going to say "disease" but, if you're a serious, long term addict, your brain is broken. a short period on subs isn't going to fix it. it is a maintenance drug. wanting to get off subs is fine, but seriously think about it, consider people's advice but also remember why you're on suboxone in the first place. I can't speak on anyone else's "wonder drugs" so I won't say they didn't work for them, but remember every person is different, hell even every detox is different.some people take nothing but Imodium answer feel great. please don't think you're doing something "wrong" or "replacing one drug with another" you're not. you're broken. you have to fix your brain, and your thoughts and behaviors and habits and your feelings.

guys stop making people feel bad for needing suboxone. if you stigmatize it like dope or pills or whatever else, then they get to thinking "what's the difference?" and they can be dangerous to an addict that's clearly already vulnerable. it's not up to anyone else to say whats "no good" for someone else. you would never say "hey don't do chemo it's no good for you" or "I know you probably shouldn't take insulin" or say suboxone is so terrible while pushing some mysterious super drug that happened to work for you.

like I said, tapering is great if you can do it. but sometimes you can't. and that's OK. don't get discouraged, you just need a longer taper. it's not wrong to use medication for it's intended purposes. and I'm not just talking out of my ass, I've been taking 10 bags a day for three years. suboxone is saving my life right now and has for 4 months.

I can't believe the wrong information being spread around.

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I was put on pain meds 10 years ago. The Drs had me on 5 percs a day and 6 roxi a day. I got tired of it. Two years ago I went on Subs I took 3 8mg a day for a while then started tapering off. Make a long story short I had myself down to 2 8mgs a week. I went to fill my script and keep tapering down but my Cigna insurance denied. I have had to appeal it. I have now had nothing for 8 days and am still withdrawing.I keep asking my Dr what I can do to help me through it and how much longer. I have custody of my grand children and a husband that does not understand. All I want to do is crawl in a hole and give up. It is not far that the insurance company can make decisions like that. I was not abusing it I was getting off. What can I do to be able to function. I went on the subs to avoid the pain med withdraws.
drs did not tell me this was going to be even harder. I pray continually and talked to church friends. Please Lord I am at my end. I am asking for Your help Lord. You are the only way. I honestly thought I was doing the right thing taking the subs and going off the pain meds.

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Shay... I wanted to offer a little help. i am 354 days clean for vicodin. i took subs for the first 6 weeks. I hated it and wanted to get clean. I talked to my doctor about gabapentin. So i stopped the subs cold turkey and started gabapentin that day. I now take one gabapentin a day for my stomach. Everything in my life started coming back normal in like 4 weeks. My brain, libido, motions, sleep, stomach, literally everything in life has come full circle. I am bout to have a 1 year celebration for being drug free. I hope everyone reading this can try to get gabapentin, it really is wonderful. i have had no withdraws from tapering gabapentin. Everyone says it is addiction, i dont see how. it doesn't make you feel high or mess with you at all.

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Gabapentin was a life saver for me when I quit subs. It didn't totally take away wds but it was the only thing that eased the RLS at night. It also helped me regain my appetite and somewhat helped with the depression associated with sub/opiate wds. I would encourage anybody trying to kick opiates to get some gabapentin. Most Drs will prescribe it for this too because it is much safer than opiates. I've also heard that its addicting but I took it every day for a month and didn't feel any negative affects when I stopped cold turkey. I never would've gotten off if the subs without it.

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A lot depends on how old or young you are and what kind of shape you are in. I think you can count on a couple to three weeks before you begin to start feeling like you're coming out of it. Stay with it. Warm to hot showers can help take care of the symptoms for a short while, but the best advice I got was to keep moving. My first 2 weeks I could barely walk more than a few steps. The thing is to push yourself past what you think you can do, and I mean simply just walk around as much as you can. The restless leg and sweats will start to go away. My big problem was I was unable to sleep the first few days when the symptoms started. After the second week I began to sleep 2 or 3 hours a night. By the fourth week I was sleeping through the night. Best of wishes to you.

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I agree. Tramadol is what landed me on suboxone to begin with. The problem with tramadol is that it is completely chemical based synthetic opiate with anti depressant qualities as well as pain relieving. So when you withdrawal from tramadol you get a mix of opiate wds, anti depressant wds and also some weird other affects from all if the chemicals. When I went through wds from tramadol I could not even get up to brush my teeth. It was by far the most intense wds I have ever gone through. I'm REALLY surprised they're prescribing it to get off of suboxone! Truthfully using one opiate to get off of another is just keeping the cycle moving. I would really suggest gabapentin. It will ease a lot of the pain of wds without filling your opiate receptors with just another substitution.

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Its not hard and also makes the benzo work 3 times better so u use way less since they potentiate each other!! I been on 20mg Subox and or subutex for last 9yrs and have one month off today!! longest I been able to stay off and its only due to being able to have some of the side effects lessened by the tranquilizers. also Temazepam or Ambien/lunesta all work great if taken 30-1hr. b4 bed depending upon med. dose, etc.. also Zofran and or Phenergan/promethazine 25mg t.i.d or 3times a day as needed for an antiemetic. Good luck everyone, Stay strong as u kno u don't wanna stay on this extreamly expensive med for any longer then needed, but they are special care cases that do require long-term treatment/ and or lifetime treatment of this drug. some are better on then off so its very personalized and u must soul search and listen to ur body and make the right move for urself!!

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Hi Matt! I know this is an older post, but, I came across it. I live in RI and my Dr prescribes me a bezo, and, I'm on suboxone. I also know of other people who get benzos while on suboxone. Maybe, it's your Dr or is it in your state? I know tapering down is hard enough with the physical withdrawals, but, the psychological ones r just as bad. And, if u have anxiety or depression 2 begin with, it makes it that much worse.

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I too tried to get off my suboxone recently. I made to 11 days without feeling too bad, but on the 12th day the simultaneous diarrhoea & vomiting kicked in! I totally thought I was almost there, but I asked my pharmacist & he said "it's only just begun I'm afraid". So there you go- it takes ages for serious wd's to kick in & they apparently last 4-6 weeks (I wouldn't know about that, I quickly took my suboxone like a good little girl). It is nasty stuff.

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well at 2mgs a day. you should take 2mg for 14 days then 1mg a day 14 days then one quarter a day 1 week then done. with that withdrawal can be very mild take motrin 800mgs twice daily this stops muscle aches and head ache you will due fine. the trick with suboxone is not to put a lot in your system. the higher the dose the worser the withdrawal. its that simple. its the everyday dosing that causes withdrawal. if you take 2mg daily for 3 days it takes 7 days to fully leave your system it has a half life. studying this drug all about it helped me when I got off it. I and my math skills and drug facts and a meds class helped me to recover from suboxone, I understood the drug I was dealing with, and how it was working in my body. I was scared but had to out smart the drug and my brain. the trick is with suboxone is you taper slowly so the brain does not realize the drug is being taken away this is very tricky. but I was always a very clever person I was able to trick my brain it did not even realize the suboxone taper. it was using the drug facts and my calculater. and remember the half life of suboxone I allowed for that as well. the two week tapers allows for for half life and brain chemical adjustment. I tapered every 14 days intervals. its more of being smarter than the drug. this is not easy. if any one is not as clever of this drug. it does not mean your not smart. you should just talk with a professional. I just myself don't always agree with doctors. sometimes we are the only ones who know our personal human bodies. and whats best for us. and I feel not all but some are simple pill pushers. I had a doctor tell me one time to keep taking the suboxone he said I was a addict if suboxone works keep using it. I mean really well in that reasoning why not continue using schedule one drugs. just because a drug as suboxone is legal does not mean its ok to use it for life or years. it is a controlled substance as is H as for example. and it has potential for addiction as an illegal drug like H. only suboxone is legal. and also think about this guys ladies out there marijuana is legal with a license but it is bad for you it has P.C.P in it which can cause a violent outburst, and seeing things that are not really there. and very extreme lack of feelings for pain. I once seen a man on PCP shot 9 times with a 45 semi and still walking as none of the bullets even bothered him. that nuts wow. drugs are a bad deal people believe it. and sadly the man did later die from the shots he received. the drugs basic killed him.

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