Klonopin Forums (Page 21)

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Green tablet scored in half has the #93 833 and another that says Mylan 477 Would like to know if these are generic and what mg. they are. ## Mylan 477 contains 10mgs Diazepam, a generic for Valium, this is a potent Benzodiazepine, used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Some common side effects may include: nausea, drowsiness, headache and irritability. ## 93 833 is a generic for Klonopin or Rivotril, containing 1mg of Clonazepam, this is another Benzodiazepine, used to treat anxiety, nervous disorders and some severe cases of insomnia. Some common side effects may include: nausea, dizziness, drowsiness and impairment of memory. You can read more about this here: Is there anything else I can help you with? ## Sorry, forgot to include the Diazepam link:

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anti depressant ## Common misunderstanding of the name, but the correct name brand is Klonopin, the active ingredient is Clonazepam. This is a Benzodiazepine, commonly used as a sedative and to treat nerve or anxiety disorders. Some of the most common side effects include: drowsiness, nausea, impaired judgment and irritability. ## my gf is on this and i hate it. when she takes one, it seems like she has no emotion, she's like an unfeeling, uncaring zombie. the things she loves, including myself, dont matter to her when she's on them. i know it's just a side effect, but still, it really bothers me.

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round yellow tablet side 1 R 34 ## Found a match light yellow, round tablet with R34 on one side and scored on the other. This pill is Clonazepam 1 mg, which is used to treat seizures caused by panic attacks. To learn more click on the link below... Do you have any more questions or information to add? Please post back if you do.

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What is colanioin prescribed for? ## I think the medication which you are referring to is Klonopin. (active ingredient Clonazepam). It has highly potent anticonvulsant, muscle relaxant and anxiolytic properties. For more details about this drug please see: Do you have any other questions or information to add? Please post back if you do...

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a little round and white pill on the pill is e65 ## I NEED TO NO IF THERE IS A PINK CALDAPIN AND THE NUMBERS ON IT IS 33 AND THERE IS A SYMBOL ON THE SIDE WITH THE NUMBERS IT LOOKS LIKE THE RIBBON THAT FIGHT BREAST CANCER? LET ME NO WHAT COLORS THEY ARE AND HOW MANY GRAMS THEY R! THANX! ## Well, the drug name is actually Klonopin and yes, R33 contains 0.5mgs of Clonazepam, which is the generic form. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, dry mouth and headache.

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small round yellow pill ## i want to knwo about them ## The correct drug name is Klonopin, it contains the active ingredient Clonazepam. It is primarily used to treat anxiety and nervous disorders. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, dizziness and short-term memory loss. Did you need to know anything else?

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Does anyone know if the generic brand of Klonopin gives you headaches? ## Maria, I suffer from migraines & I have taken klonepin for awhile. It has never caused me a headache. It does, however, allow me slight relief. Good luck ## Unfortunately, almost everything known to man has headache listed among side effects, but somethings do have a significantly higher reputation for causing them than others. The PDR and other references often have listings for side effects by percentage, in other words, they may say how many patients reported headache. Try a google for klonipin headache side effect. Very often I see folks asking for information easily available on google searches, it just takes getting used to what search terms work best and sifting through the top ones to find useful respo...

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ive been taking klonopin for 7 weeks now 0.5 low dose. does anyone know how i would taper off this. i am currently taking 1/2 am 1/2 late afternoon ## maria, you are doing right so far, now you need to take 1/2 a day ,then skip a day , THAT WAY YOUR BODY WILL NOT KNOW WHAT TO LOOK FOR. ( REMEMBER ,1/2 A DAY THEN SKIP , YOU WILL SEE IN ABOUT 10 DAYS, YOU CAN GO 2 DAYS WITHOUT, AND GO FARTHER APART, SEE FOR YOUR SELF ## With such a low dose, for such a short period of time, you can probably do it more rapidly than the other poster stated. Just watch for withdrawal reactions and make sure to talk to your doctor. ## smoke pot a few days and that will take the edge off of your withdrawls

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small round yellowish color pill. R34 imprint. ## I need to know what I found ## This tablet contains 1mg of Clonazepam, a generic for Klonopin. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, impairment of judgment and irritability.

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does kpin have a blue pill that have v on the side with the numbers 2521 on the other side? pleese hold me out ## What you are probably taking is a high dose of Klonopin or clonazapam.Clonazapam is the strongest and longest lasting member of the diazapam family.If the V is only stamped and does not go through it is a Klonopin.Mostt likely you are mistaking a k for a v.The 1mg tabs are blue with a k and the top range available is 2mg so yes you are on a strong one.Be careful as the drug stays in your system up to 12 hours. ## I've recently started taking the blue Kolonopins they are circular and have a caital E shaped letter on top with the number 64 below it. Doesany body know the potency of these? ## E64 contains 1mg of Clonazepam, a generic for Klonopin. ## KLONOPIN .5 Mg is orang...

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i am getting in a new relationship and the person is on colatopin so i want to know the uses for colatopin and the side effects. ## I believe the drug you are referring to is Klonopin (generic name Clonazepam) - "Colatopin" is a common misspelling. It is generally used as an anti-anxiety drug, and it also acts as a muscle relaxant. You can read more details about Klonopin at the following page: <a href= Do you have any other questions? Feel free to post back with any more questions or information which you may have.

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I need to find out if this medication is working. How long before it works? ## How long have you been taking it? With these types od drugs, you will not experience the full effects until you have been on it for between 2 to 4 weeks. Some of the most common side effects include: drowsiness, impairment of judgment, pupil dilation and irritability. ## Depending on how much you take, the effects should be felt within 15 or so minutes (it is often abused as a recreational drug). I'm not sure what the person above me is talking about. I've been prescribed it for years now and take it in the event of panic attacks which is why it HAS to work very quickly.

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i m on dilatin 400 mg,and i cant stand it.it makes me feel like i cant keep my balance when i get up in the morning.plus it takes me 30 mins to get my head straight to.wasnt always like this.and only had one siezure.2yrs ago. ## I'm not sure what the question is but klonopin is for seizures as well as panic attack sort of situations.

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round white pill with slit in the middle 269 on top of slit and an R on the whole back whithout a slit ## THIS IS NOT KLONOPIN! This is a discontinued tablet containing 10mgs Metoclopramide, a generic for Reglan. This is primarily used to help treat and prevent nausea.

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it has a 93833 on it ## The green 93 over 833 is clonazeopam 1mg, (generic drug for Klonopin). I take half twice aday for many years now, It has helped me a lot with anxiety but just be careful, do not stop it cold-turkey as the side effects may be really unpleaseant, tremors, sweating, anxiety, panic attacks). A doctor can help you ween (sp?) yourself from it specially if you are receving psicological therapy, but even if you do it by yourself, if you think you are ready be careful to start very very slowly taking a little bit less, the slowest you can do it the better result. I used to take us much as 10mg a day (prescribed by psychiatrist) and over the years now only take 1mg a day exept on the ocassinal day when I may take a little more depending on my circumstances. I do not know i...

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round green pill ## The color of the pill means nothing. Klonopin contains Clonazepam, it is mainly used for its sedative properties. Some of the most common side effects include: nausea, drowsiness, irritability and short-term memory loss.

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How long does this stay in your systym ## A kolnopin will only stay in your system for a couple to three weeks ## i have two small white pills that i need identified was told they are klonopines First one is round on one side it says 275 and on the other side itis scored &has the #2 the other one is white round and blank on one side the other side says GG scored &under the line it says201 ## oval shape peach color pill lilly then 4420 under ## It came come in different colors and different letters and numbers..If it's gerenic..I've been on this for years 1 mg 3 times A day and have seen it look very diffferent from one time to the next. SUPER ADTCIVE MED.

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pill, blue ## The active ingredient in Klonopin is Clonazepam, a Benzodiazepine derivative. This is a highly addictive medication used to prevent convulsions and treat anxiety disorders. Some of the most common side effects include: drowsiness, impairment of judgment, irritability and dizziness.

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yellow ## Are you referring to Klonopin, with the active ingredient Clonazepam? ## klonopin (clonazapam) is usually prescribed for anxiety disorder. Usually short term as it has addiction potential. Long term use has also been associated with muscle atrophy & Periodontal disease (due to decreased saliva) If taken daily for more than 2 weeks, you should withdraw gradually, e.g., by 1/4 to 1/2 mg. every 3-5 days. It will take an additional 3-5 days before you completely rid it from your system. Try to take only as needed in as small a dose as is affective. I have found I only need 1/3 - 1/6 of what my shrink prescribes !

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yellow pill #93832 ## This is a common misunderstanding, but the correct name brand of this medication is Klonopin, this pill is a generic version, Clonazepam 0.5mgs. Some of the most common side effects include: drowsiness, impaired judgment, irritability and agitation.

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