Lexapro False Positive
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What false positives will show on a drug screen with Lexapro?

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Re: Comments (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I take Lexapro and have frequent 12 panel drug screens the instant ones, and I frequently show up for a false positive for benzodiazepines I do not take anything but Lexapro and Suboxone and I know this box on shows up on the 12 panel as buprenorphine and it's always been Zoloft and Lexapro that have showed up as benzodiazepines every time.

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

I call BS - Taking this medication resulted in a positive hair follicle test for cocaine.

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Re: Comments (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I'm on parole and had to take a urine test, I take the generic Lexapro and my test came back positive.

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Yes, possibly. I had a urine test for a job and came back with amphetamines. I have truly never taken anything close to that. The doctor who called with results asked if I was on adderral. I guess I should have said yes cause I didn't get the job and I needed it.

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I test using an oral indicator test. 2 people I have tested who declared lexapro have both returned false positives for amphetamine. Both have been tested 2 times each with identical results.

Lab testing has cleared them.

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I tested positive for benzos and only took Lexapro on uring test.

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I have had a false positive for amphetamines and do not take adderral which they tough I took. Could this be because I take lexapro on a daily basis.

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They can do what they call "confirming it" and they actually look at it under under a microscope and they break it down and if it's a false positive they will know!

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I got a false positive for benzodiazepenes this week and the only drug I am taking is generic Lexapro. I found this thread while researching if that's possible and what to do about it. We are tested monthly, at random, so I can't just stop taking it on a schedule.

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Just curious if you have any information regarding your statement of ssri's that end in 'am' can test a false positive? I'm a nurse who has a pt who has tested positive for benzo's who is adamant that he hasn't taken any. He's not on Zoloft, but is on Celexa

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Many prescription medications and over the counter medications that are not supposed to have urine metabolites of something else show up. Individuals who are in positions to receive frequent urine drug screens must always be aware of which medication could cause a problem. (ie- ranitidine shows up as methamphetamines in urine) just in case you did not know. SSRI's with the ending of 'pram' are questionable, just as any medication that may have benzo's, and an individual should always be aware of a possible problem. I was able to locate information on the 2300 individuals in a controlled setting that did have false positives secondary to Lexapro. If this is a true and accepted study, that information should be much easier to locate. Jobs do depend on it and mental health depends on being able to take meds without fear of being disciplined for something that may be a false positive.

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Lexapro contains the active ingredient Escitalopram, it is an SSRI antidepressant.

As such, it will not show up as anything on a drug screen, it contains no opiate, Benzodiazepine or Amphetamine properties, which are what is normally tested for.

Why did you think it would?

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