My Doc Will Not Refill My Xanax Im Feeling Sick (Page 33)
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I was prescribed Prozac & Xanax 10 years ago by my psychiatrist for depression & severe panic attacks. He started me on 1mg 3 times a day. Around Dec 2005 he increased my daily dose to 1 mg - 4 times a day. I have been a patient of his now for 10 years where I see him every 3 months. Through the years, there has been a few times were I had to call to reschedule my appointment and a couple of times he had to do the same. He would call in my meds for the amount I would need to get me through to my next appointment. This month I had an appointment for May 27th I called to reschedule due to transportation. I do not drive now and my ride canceled on me. so, I rescheduled my app. for June 17th I then requested my meds be called in until my appointment, a 3 week supply. She said she would call me back when it was called in later that day. Not hearing anything I called back the next day to find out what was going on. I was told my doctor feels uncomfortable due to liability reasons to re-fill my medication, until I see him again in June. I asked her what about the liability to take me off medication I have been taking for 10 years? She told me to go to my primary physician to get my meds. I told her my primary care doctor will not prescribe me those medications without my medical records from this office and I just signed a medical release form a few days ago at my first appointment with this new primary doctor, so she told me to go to an urgent care if my symptoms became to uncomfortable for me to deal with!! I had enough xanax to last me until today. I took my last xanax this morning and I am already starting to feel sick, my head feels cloudy, I feel like I'm getting the flu. My heart is racing, I'm feel really anxious & closed in. Has anyone out there gone off xanax cold turkey what more should I expect? I don't understand how a doctor can prescribe medication like this for 10 years and just make you stop so suddenly it doesn't seem fair. I have lost trust in my doctor now and I don't think I can continue to be his patient anymore. I am scared and I don't know who to turn too.

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Verwon, you are an educated wanna be smart-a**d judgemental jerk and can't see past the skin on your own nose! Unless you go through exactly what another person does (and you NEVER will because we are all different), you can't possibly understand. You are NOT God and it's not up to you what disability a person is born you actually think for a second in that feeble little mind of yours that any of us asked for our disabilities?! Shame on you!

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I was on 3 2mg bars a day for 7 years. I got a DUI and had to serve 2 weeks in jail. This was the first time I had EVER not taken my prescription. Needless to say, this was the worst two weeks of my life. The jail in Lexington, KY is a non-narcotic environment and the mix between your first time in jail and detoxing off Xanax was horrible. The original question was what can you expect from detoxing, well let me tell you while it's fresh in my mind. It's been a month now and I'm still clean and still dealing with the aftershock. I first felt like I was on a bad trip for the entire stay in jail. Of course my mind was telling me that it must be because you've never been in jail, but this was not the reason. Sleeping was nonexistent, eating a rarity, tons of pressure in my eyes and back of neck. I had completely dialated pupils for a good 2 weeks which made me very sensitive to light and my audio was off as well. I went from weighing 185 to 150 in 2 weeks; keep in mind that I'm over 6 feet tall. My mind started fabricating dreams about me taking Xanax to, I think, make myself believe that it really hadn't been as long as had since I'd taken the drug last. I was breathing very deeply and typically unable to communicate with others. Approximately 1 week into the detox process I found myself starting to think that if I'd gone this long cold turkey that I would never take it again. I really don't recommend ANYONE quitting cold turkey, but being in jail and quitting at the same time is certainly a way to give yourself SHOCK treatment. I also didn't mention that I had a seizure, I think, at some point and woke up with a broken toe and bruises on my arms and legs. These injuries must have been self inflicted because I was in solitary at the time.....take it for what it's worth and consult your doctor people......good luck!

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Benzo withdrawal is serious, and 4mg daily of xanax and being forced to stop cold turkey can be absolutely devastating. This is not a "oh the person will just feel a little sick or anxious and want them, boy it'll be hard but you'll be ok." This is a seizure inducing, painful, and unbearable position to be put in, and 10 years at 4mg is possibly life threatening (although, not highly likely).

And the half-life on xanax is extremely short and the effects CAN be felt on day 1, regardless of what some idiot tells you.

you should try to get your prescription any way possible, call someone, take a cab to your doc if necessary.

the best advice i can give is work with your doctor to begin getting off xanax, it will probably take 6 months to a year if not more, but it'll be worth it in the long run. the damage you're doing to yourself 10 years in is bad enough, and if you ever get forced into another situation without your meds, you will be in serious trouble.

i hope all works out

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Your doctor has no obligation to phone in perscriptions. It sounds like he'd done it in the past to hold you over for a few days. Not a few weeks. That's almost a month. Find a way to get to your doctor, bus taxi; because withdrawls from benzodiazapines are about the worst and can be dangerous. If you call the pharmacy you've always used they will often fax the doctor for a refill assuming your on your regular schedual. But zanex is not birth control. It's a serious drug. And often a doctor will insist on seeing a patient for even The Pill My advice would be to get to your doctor now, even if it's a drop-in. No ER is going to give you more than a few days worth. I hope your telling the whole story. If your doctor will prescribe you 3 weeks worth without seeing you, why even go at all? Incidentally I'm sure he gives you a couple months refills at a time. Ultimately kicking zanex is awful and I'd walk to his office if I had to. The onus is on you not your doctor to make sure you make your appointments and also the DEA is really cracking down on powerful drugs or drugs in general. They don't want people doctor shopping and getting the same prescription from several different doctors and your doctor is just covering his own a** for liability. Find a way to get to your doctor or you are going to be miserable like you never thought possible.

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Marlee, anytime you quit something cold turkey, after having been taking it for awhile, you will experience some withdrawal effects, because your body gets dependent on it.

However, they should not get really bad, because you were not abusing it, but they can still be quite miserable.

If it gets to bad, you should call your doctor or go to the nearest ER.

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i have been taking xanax .5 twice a day for 3 or 4 months now.i just quit cause im scare of getting addicted.i took my last dose 2 days ago but my eyes and head feel wierd my lips feel this normal?should i go get my refill or can this hurt me just to quit?thanks

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Okay, the operative point here isn't that your doctor was refusing the medications, it is that you missed your appointment, had to reschedule and then still wanted them.

If doctors phone in a medication, without seeing a patient they are simply being nice, they have no obligation to do so and by law, they are NOT supposed to do it with any controlled substances that can be dangerous.

Anytime they write these prescriptions, they are supposed to have physically seen the patient in their office, that is under federal law.

Plus if you reacted badly to the fact that they would not phone them in, then you labeled yourself as a drug seeker an addict. In this case the liability for the doctor is much worse than it is, if they just don't give you more of the medications.

He faces no serious repercussions for denying you a medication, however, if he gives them to someone showing addictive behavior, then his very livelihood is at risk, plus he faces fines and jailtime.

I am very sorry for what you are going through, but these are the true facts of the matter.

As to the withdrawals, the fact that you took your last pill in the morning and were already feeling them is not realistic. It takes a longer time period than that for it to process out of your body, especially after being on it for so long. What you were experiencing was your own anxiety over knowing you didn't have anymore to take.

Yes, the normal withdrawals, when they hit, can be bad and you will be miserable for awhile. In addition you can also suffer rebound effects that can make you feel worse than you did, before you ever started using Xanax.

However, if you were not abusing it and just taking it as prescribed, the withdrawals may be miserable, but not truly dangerous to you physically.

If you do run into a serious problem, then follow the doctors advice and go to the emergency room for assistance.

I am sorry for what you are going through, but as I said, you need to calm down and think a little more rationally to get through this.

Please post back soon and let us know how you are doing!


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my comment is to the women withdrawling from zanex. I have been through withdrwal from zanex. It is uncomfortable and you will not sleep well, you will be shakey, and just uncomfortable. Why dont you move your appt up and not go so long without seeing him? Surely since you have been with him for 10 years you can reschedule for a sooner date. Word to the wise, dont reschedule anymore appts for a while. Docs r getting wierder and wierder all the time when it comes to these kind of meds due to all the deaths lately. You will b uncomfortable but try to keep your mind off it and stay busy..sorry this is happening to you.

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Your psychiatrist is unbelievably irresponsible to expect you to go cold turkey from xanax!!! You need to get help right away, withdrawal from this med is very dangerous!!

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