Need Help Finding A Doctor For Xanax, South Jersey Shore
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I need to find a doctor in the Cape-Atlantic-Cumberland region who will keep me on the same medication. I am on 0.5 mg of Xanax three times a day. I have been on Valium, then Xanax beginning at age 10 for severe panic attacks. I was going to a clinic where the doctor was fine, but I was bounced around from doctor to doctor after the regular one left. The fill-ins were fine. The new one I honestly can't stand and the second appointment that I had with him, last week, is when he said he is going to stop prescribing it for me. Mind you, one of the fill-ins said it was a baby dose. I do not want to increase and told her so, nor did I want to switch to Klonopin. I am 48. I am not 25. Please, somebody help me.

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The fill-in's gender was not even mentioned. I just said fill-in. She was the second of four fill-ins before this man who now is stopping prescriptions. Did you even read this? I guess not. The goal is to be kept on the same medication. What is the problem with that? Take time and actually read the post. Don't make it bad for the rest of us who are just trying to be kept on our meds which this site is about.

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One minute the Doctor is a him, then next its a her, frankly I don't care what you do then.

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This isn't the doctor I am talking about. She was a fill-in more than a year ago who wanted to do that. Don't get nasty with me.

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Dawnne, if a new Doctor who doesn't know you from a speck of dust wants to put you on Klonopin, another similar Schedule 4 medication you take the Klonopin

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