Pain Relief Forums (Page 1183)

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I've gotten alot of spam email lately about buying cheap Vicodin online. I never heard about Vicodin before those emails and just now learned about what it is. Would anybody happen to know the maker of Vicodin and/or who would keep promoting Vicodin through SPAM? I assume it must be a pretty good selling drug otherwise those dirt bags would not be pushing it so much. ## Pete, I'd just ignore and delete those; Lots of rogue pharmacies out there looking to make a fast buck. Half the time you won't even get the meds and the other half the meds aren't real. Please remember, spam is spam, there's lots of it out there (you might even notice there's even more spam for Viagra and Cialis lately), and treat it as such. ## Well vicodin is a narcotic and one of the easiest d...

8 REPLIES Updated in Vicodin

Why the mad dash for vicodin? Are so many willing to ruin their liver for a couple hrs of a buzz? ## Sometimes lortab is the only thing that works for the pain. If aspirin worked, i'd take that. ## There are other less damaging remedies to the situation. I don't know your situation-but you may wish to consult a pain specialist for the empirical solution that may be at the cause. I don't claim that Lortabs are that harmful and you could certainly do worse.-best of health to you in the future. ## Thanks for the reply, but if i had the cause down pat i wouldn't need the solution right? ## -solution/diagnosis- I do not have all the answers. No one does. If you cannot manage your way thru the system of medical jargon,or at least keep a complete jounal of your symptoms-and rel...

7 REPLIES Updated in Vicodin

## I am a nursing student. My final exam is focused on palliative care. I would appreciate any information about prescribing in palliative care. The scenario for my exam states that the patient is to be commenced on Morphine Sulphate oral solution, as Oromorph 10mg/5ml, 5mg four hourly to titrate his analgesic requirements. (The patient is suffering from terminal prostate cancer). Any information will be greatly welcomed. Thanks!!

1 REPLY Updated in Oramorph

magnesium so4 with glyscerine in wound healing under external medication therapy ## i need to know what '' magnesium verla-n'' geltabs is good for i have been taken '' norco 10-325 mg'' for about 8 years now{but not 4 pills a day like i am suppose to,because i am afraid to get addicted to them} How harmful is this,and what do i need to know about it? thank you

1 REPLY Updated in Norco

## need ingredients in poly vent forte ## does it have codeine in it ## Some information on Poly-Vent: 'Poly-Vent contains Guaifenesin and Phenylpropanolamine Guaifenesin is an expectorant. It is used to break up congestion and mucous to make breathing easier. Guaifenesin thins mucous, increases lubrication of the respiratory tract (lungs, nose and throat), and increases the removal of mucous. Phenylpropanolamine is a decongestant. It constricts (shrinks) blood vessels (veins and arteries), which reduces swelling of mucous membranes in areas such as the nose and sinuses. Guaifenesin and phenylpropanolamine is used to treat the symptoms of the common cold and of infections of the sinuses, lungs, and throat.' From what I know the FDA considers Phenylpropanolamine a risky chemical....

4 REPLIES Updated in Codeine
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