Pristiq And Weight Gain (Page 4) (Top voted first)


I started pristiq approx 5 weeks ago and altho my doctor assured me that it was a weight neutral drug I have easily gained 12 pounds and right exactly around the middle. I have been very careful not to consume more calories and have even been more active. I am very concerned that the weight gain will continue or will it just become a side effect that the body gets used to and eventually levels out? I do feel so much better on the drug and this has been my only side effect. I have a small frame however, and a dozen pounds all in the same spot is hard to conceal especially in the warmer weather. If anyone has any thoughts on some solutions other than discontinuing the drug I would greatly appreciate the advice. I sure wish that all these antidepressants did not come with some major trade offs.

77 Replies (4 Pages)

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Val. How are you going with the weight loss. I'm so worried I'm stuck with this pristiq weight gain forever. I'm fatter than I was after having my son. My dr is in the process if checking thyroid amongst other things. Id love to hear if people having managed to lose weight after coming off it. It's only been a week or two for me but I'm panicking. I wish I had read these posts before going on it. I honestly think this drug is evil

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"I do know that if your Leptin is too high (often caused by too much sugar or starchy carbs in the diet), it can cause weight gain specifically in the mid section, too. The Rosedale Diet is a great book for this. It's balanced and healthy." <-- dumbest advice ever. If anything, high leptin levels actually DECREASE appetite not the other way around. Leptin levels vary with body fat mass too so changes in weight will affect levels of leptin in the body. It has nothing to do with 'too much sugar or starchy carbs'.

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I have been off Pristiq for 5 days. I am now on Wellbutrin. I also take Doxepin at night plus Clonazepam. The doctor wanted me to change off of the Pristiq and the Doxepin because he said that this was enough, that is, my discomfort over the weight gain. Oh, really! I haven't been able to quit the Doxepin yet but when I feel comfortable with what he is going to replace it with I am just going to go off of Pristiq.
I hope your weight starts to melt off. I think I am going to have to work hard at it. I am at the calorie count for losing but I will see.
This change has been hard as it is most of the time. This is my first try at Wellbutrin alone.
Please, keep reporting back.

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When I was on 50 mg of Prestiq I was weight neutral. It was increased to 100mg two weeks ago and all I do is eat all day.
I as well as many of you WILL NOT STAY on this either. I have lost 55 lbs and will NOT get depressed or lose my self esteem staying on this drug.
Let's hope that there is another reason for this. It has taken me years to find a drug to make me feel as good as I do. I do not want to start over and try many drugs only to fail.

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My doc started me on 100 mg of Pristiq. All I wanted to do was eat. Really unusual for me. I'm glad I'm off. I've lost about 2 pounds but haven't been exercising so we'll see. I feel bad that you have worked so hard and now Pristiq is changing things for you.

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I experienced weight gain that did not subside while I was on Pristiq even when we lowered the dose to 50 mg. I gained weight when I started on it and was unable to lose it. I have been off of it for about a month and need to jumpstart my metabolism to get rid of the excess pounds. I eat a good diet with as few calories for my body as possible. I am not an overeater, sweet lover, or nighttime snacker. I am married to a marathon runner so we eat very healthy food. This has been my experience so I hope yours is different.

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I am experiencing the very same thing. I can't believe that in 6 months, time I've been on pristiq, I've gained 30 lbs! I've never been a small girl but I went from 178 to 210 and I'm absolutely miserable. Im going to talk to my Dr about Effexor...its an older version of Pristiq.

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I never noticed any weight gain with Pristiq, and i've been on it at least eight years. However, when I was put on a beta blocker, it was a different story.
Also, I have to reiterate to people on the spelling of Xanax (sounds like Zanax). It only sounds like Zanax, it's spelled Xanax.

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Pristiq has basically ruined my life. Even on just 50 mg, I’m gaining weight like crazy with no explanation (all around the middle, and my body leans toward apple shape as is), I never sleep through the night anymore (and I’m a champion sleeper), and I generally feel like garbage—nausea, bloating, constipation. It also appears to be affecting my menstrual cycle now. I am a week late, very unusual for me. If I miss even one dose, it’s brain zaps and feeling like I was hit by a truck. I wish I never heard of Pristiq, much less taken it. I know antidepressants affect everyone differently, but I could never recommend this drug to anyone. I’m in the process of weaning off. It did help my depression and anxiety, but the side effects are too much and are actually giving me anxiety and depressing me, so I guess ultimately it’s a draw in that regard. It makes me want to take my chances with the depression and not go on antidepressants ever again. I just pray the weight comes off once this poison is out of my system.

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I was put on Pristiq for both depression and fibromyalgia. I have not only put on much weight in 3 months, I'm also suffering with swelling and water retention all around. Especially hands and feet where I can’t wear my own shoes and stated to have a moon face. I can’t seem to find any information on this topic. Although it does wonders for fibromyalgia pain side effects are just too much.

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Re: Pristiq user (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I gained 8 pounds eating the exact same thing going on 50mg Pristiq while everything else remained the same. Around the middle as well as the other comments. I'm off it and going on 300mg SR Wellbutrin. It better come off.

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I'm wondering if I should talk with my doctor about weaning off of Pristiq. I had been on Effexor XR for 9 years, prior to going on Pristiq. I was put on Effexor XR to help with mild ADHD anxiety, in order to help me focus better. It did help, but I gained 30 lbs., which has been an identical side effect of others whom I know have been on Effexor XR. They gained 30 lbs., then lost it once they weaned off of it. I, however, gained it, then worked hard to lose it, lost it, then when it seemed time to come off of it...after 9 years...I tried. As I was weaning off of it, I dealt with some normal withdrawal side effects, then felt better than ever! However, within a couple of months, my chemicals became imbalanced and I felt I was constantly trying to keep myself from crying. It was very difficult. I ended up having to go on another anti-depressant (Pristiq) to balance my chemistry out so I could function again. Now, I've gained almost 20 lbs. and feel so frustrated. Few of my clothes fit me and I just feel yucky with this extra weight. I really want to talk to my doc about weaning off of it, yet I feel a little afraid that I'll get imbalanced again, and depressed and emotional again...afraid of the withdrawal. However, my doc did mention that they often use Prozac or other antidepressants to patients trying to wean off of Effexor or Pristiq, so that the withdrawal is not so dramatic. Then, once off of the Effexor or Pristiq, we can wean off the Prozac. Supposedly, Prozac doesn't make people gain weight as seems to be typical of Effexor or Pristiq. Even so, I wish I could get off these meds completely.
I do know that a nutritional thing I've tried, has been very beneficial in helping me focus, helping my mood and helping increase my metabolism so I can lose the weight. I started making it available to people through my website, if you're interested in trying it. Might be helpful to you.
It's called PHYTO-THERMA CONTROL. It's awesome and tastes like hot chocolate or chai tea with cinnamon. It's great in water, hot or cold or in coffee. It's in a powder form. Anyway, I recommend it. Feel free to try it.



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I'm 49 years old & have been taking Pristiq for about 2 1/2 months and have gained 15 pounds around the middle. I also have problems with hot flashes. I also said something to my doctor & the pharmacist & it's supposed to stop. I had gastro-by-pass 10 years ago & have tried very hard to maintain my weight (this is stressing me out). I'm going to talk to my doctor about using Prozac to wein me off Pristiq. I don't like the weight gain, the sweating. I'm also trying to exercis & get the weight off.

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I too have gained weight over the past 6 months on the Pristiq!! I want off of it. I eat less and less and gain more and more... this is nuts!! and like others... all in the mid section. Will see Doc next week and I will get myself off of this!! I will not take any med that causes weight gain I have enough issues with that don't need a drug that makes it worse!!!!

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I was advised by my primary care physician that the weight gain was caused by the antidepressants, and advised me to talk to my psychiatrist about getting off antidepressants. I tapered off and had no side-effects. I feel fine and the weight came off over a month and a half time period with dieting and exercise.
I do have to qualify that I was never on a high dose of antidepressant, and my depression is greatly helped with therapy. That is not true with everybody. But Pristiq, and any antidepressant, can definitely cause weight gain especially in the midsection. I wish you luck.

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I have been on pristiq 50mg for about 6 months and I have lost 15lbs. I was taking Abilify and it caused me to gain over 30lbs. I did research and found that Pristiq could have a weight loss so I asked my doctor if I could take that and he prescribed it for me. I have had no side effects from Prisitq and I would recommend it to everyone.

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I have the same problem even though my Doctor assured me I was wrong. 20 lb in 7 months is NOT wrong. I am going off it. I feel like a stuffed pig.

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