Tizanidine Forums (Page 8)

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white in color, round in shape. small in size 93 on top 5613 on bottom ## Could it be 93 5163 instead of 93 5613? If so, then you have something called Tizanidine 2mg, or name brand Zanaflex. It is a muscle relaxer used to stop muscle spasms in people who have multiple sclerosis and other such diseases. Side effects include blurred vision, constipation, drowsiness, dizzines and the like. ## I concur with nenene, the only pills in any of the databases I checked with the numbers 5613 on them are also marked with Dan on them, not 93 which is the mark for Teva Pharmaceuticals. It could be a foreing drug, not available in the US, but could you please double check the imprint to be certain? ## Thank you very much for your help that is the right pill. My best friend has MS and i am assistng he...

3 REPLIES Updated

white round with a + on one side and e over 44 ## This is known as Tizanidine HCL 4Mg or AKA Zanaflex 4Mg ## pink pill with C G on one side & P C on the other with a line ## round white pill with a N over 44 ## small white round pill with 44 430 imprinted on one side ## white pill, on the same side M, then the other half says 82 ## on 1 side M 82, other side is blank

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