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What can this pill be used for....I went to the doctor for a urinary tract infection but they prescribed me 6 CR500 oval white tablets. Those are 500mg of ciprofloxacin...did i have gonnorrhea also and was not said anything to about it. I asked the doctors what it was for, but each one kind've acted like they didn't hear me, so i just left it alone. Did I have an std and this is an at home treatment, or is it to cure my uti? I just didn't think it was since I was also prescribed phenazopyridine for my uti. please let me know?!?!

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Yes, this is Ciprofloxacin 500mgs, but you need to understand that this is JUST a broad spectrum antibiotic. It is not just used to treat STDs, it can be used to treat almost any type of infection, including urinary tract infections.

If you hung around a doctors office or an emergency room for awhile, you could find many, many people, all with different infections, who will all walk out with a prescription for the same antibiotic.

Doctor's don't just prescribe a medication, especially an antibiotic, just according to what the FDA has recommended and approved it be used for, they also prescribe according to experience.

As they try different drugs, they begin to learn that some infections respond better to different ones and thus, they will eventually make that drug their predominantly given prescription to treat those conditions that it works best to treat.

If you had an STD, by law they would have to tell you and also report it to your state health department, who would them call you to follow up and make sure you are following the prescribed treatment and make sure that the treatment is working for you.

Therefore, if they did not tell you that you had one, then you didn't.

This is just one of many antibiotics in a doctor's arsenal that they can use to treat urinary tract infections. If you go in next month with an infected tooth due to dental problems, you may find yourself walking out with another prescription for it.

So, no worries! It is very common, as I said, for doctors to prescribe from experience and this antibiotic is used to treat all kinds of infections.

If you check out the drug monograph at this link:


You will see that it is recommended for many types of infections, not just STDs.

And just for future readers of this post: The original poster was incorrect, this pill is NOT Vicodin and does not contain, nor is it related to, any type of narcotic.

As Ashely stated in her post, it is the antibiotic Ciprofloxacin in a 500mg dosage.

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If I had went to the emergency room and they took my pee and tested you think that they did or didn't test for std's in the first place?

and thank've helped out alot

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It is unlikely the would test for STDs without having some reason that would necessitate the testing. An infection was more than likely the first thing they tested for, once that came up positive, they give you the antibiotic and they are done.

They would only test for STDs if you had unexplainable symptoms, or the infection test was negative and they had no other explanation for your illness.

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