Weight Gain/"buffalo Hump"


Have been on symbicort for 7 years and it's worked great for asthma but I have put on 30+ lbs and have developed a very noticeable "buffalo hump" on my neck.justvstarting researching corticosteroid side effects - after years of diet and a lot of exercise, my weight won't budge. With family history of osteoporosis and diabetes, I am concerned about continuing. Making appt with GP tomorrow, but wondering if anyone else has experienced these particular side effects.

3 Replies

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Hello, Carrie! How are you?

Yes, please see your doctor as soon as possible. You may have developed Cushing's Syndrome, which requires medical treatment. It can develop due to prolonged exposure to cortisol.

Do you have any of the other symptoms that the NIH lists, such as acne, a rounded face, high blood pressure or weak muscles?

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Thank you for the response. Seeing dr. tomorrow morning and am requesting cortisol levels be checked. The weight gain is significant and I bruise so easily since starting. Have been off of it for 5 days and have lost 6 lbs without changing anything else. Long term health effects of prolonged use is scary...

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I hope all goes well! Please post back and keep me updated!

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