Doctors Who Prescribe Adderall In Michigan (Page 5)
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My son is 22 and has adhd but we can't find a doctor to give him adderall.

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Even if tony did give everyone the number to a doc. Its not easy to get adderall these days. Its very very addictive.

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Help me out plz

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I really need that doctors # and location please. I've been diagnosed with adhd he's prescribed a few meds that take 4 weeks to work and then don't. My son and best friend both take adderall and it works so good. Im on school and not doing well I can't focus and get it together to do well.

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I also need this info. I'm around farmington area. Hoping to find someone who will accept my insurance.

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Could you please email your doctor's named as well?

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tony pleeez get back to me or at least respond thnx

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I am always looking to establish a new doctor in MI in Farmington area. Could you please pass your doctors name along also with me?

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hi tony,

please send me your doctor's info. 24 is a little old to still be seeing a pediatrician, need to make a switch!

thank you

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Hi Tony
Still have the info on Doc?

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Would you please send me that info as well? My fiancé is having a very difficult time (although he was diagnosed in his early teens and is now in his thirties) finding a doctor who will prescribe what he needs. {edited for privacy}

Thank you.

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Hi tony , I'm also in need of a new Dr that will prescribe adderal for current Dr said this is the last month he will give them to me.

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Hi tony I too would like to know who your doc is? plz get back to me

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Hi, can you please send me your doctors name? I am on adderall and have foolishly switched doctors and now cannot find a doctor to prescribe it. I have been diagnosed but can't get in anywhere for 1-3 months. I am not pregnant so I'm hoping it would go better for me. I'm close to Oakland County, I'm in Livingston so that's not to far. If you could help me out I would really appreciate it.
Thank you

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Hi Tony,
I am also looking for a doctor that will prescribe Adderall. I have been on it now for 3 years, switched Dr's, (wish I hadn't) and now can't find a doctor to prescribe it. Would you mind sending me your Dr's info? I'm hoping he/she might be at least semi-close to where I live.

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Hi there, I am desperatly seeking a doctor to perscribe me addarall and am having a hard time finding one being its a controlled substance. But I truly need it to function...if you have a doctor you believe is leanant to give scrips for this please let me know, I am desperate at this point!!! Thank you!!

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Help asap! Mi Doc, my dr decided to stop my adderall & klonopan when I became pregnant? I didn't find out till my 4th month so cutting me off the benzo will cause severe withdraws that could harm my baby before she's fully developed and untreatable. Without adderall my minds not right & that's no good for my baby either says my OB Dr. but he needs me to find another Dr!! I don't have more than a week before i'm out of both! I have been Diagnosed & i'm on Federal Soc. Sec. Disability. I'm in Oakland Co. if I give you my Email can you give me your Drs number please? He can talk to my OB if needed.. IDK what to do or where to go im scared!!

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Hi Tony, my dr decided to stop my adderall & klonopan when I became pregnant? I didn't find out till my 4th month so cutting me off the benzo will cause severe withdraws that could harm my baby before she's fully developed and untreatable. Without adderall my minds not right & that's no good for my baby either says my OB Dr. but he needs me to find another Dr!! I don't have more than a week before i'm out of both! I have been Diagnosed & i'm on Federal Soc. Sec. Disability. I'm in Oakland Co. if I give you my Email can you give me your Drs number please? He can talk to my OB if needed.. IDK what to do or where to go im scared!!

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{edited for privacy}

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{edited for privacy}

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Hi Jayne, I don't know if you found a Dr to give it to your son yet but my Dr will write them but I DON'T want to put that info out here. {edited for privacy}

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