Help! Need Advice, Suboxone Stolen! (Top voted first)


Hello, I am new to this, but my this is what happened, I really need some feedback so anything would be appreciated. I have been on suboxone for about 6 months now, and have been doing wonderful. Haven't even thought about relapsing. About 2 months into my program my car was broken into in the college parking lot of my school and my suboxone was stolen out of the glove compartment. I filled a police repot and went to the doctor and got a replacment script. I really like my doctor, and she has always been good to me and happy to see me start getting my life back together. On christmas, I went to my granmothers along with my husband, and son, and of course there was some other family present. We had a great evening and came home about 11. Upon getting home, I realized that my subs were not in my purse, which is where I always put them now after my incident in my car (friends are always in and out of my home, and I live I an apartment buliding so I do not feel safe leaving them at home) I searched high and low for them, and then realized my cuzin marc was at my granmothers from syracuse. He has been on and off of different drugs for a long time but we have always been relatively close, and I didn't really think anything of my subs being in my purse. Now I have one emergency sub left, and do not go to the doctor until the 14th of january. I am afraid if i go to my doctor I will be promptly kicked out of the program. I confronted my cuzin and he did take them,but is already back in syracuse. I am in a really bad spot. I am 22 years old and have a 3 year old little boy, I work full time and go to college full time and cannot function with out subs. Please help..

16 Replies

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If you didn't report this theft to the police, then your chances of getting your doctor to believe you and replace them again is probably not going to be very high.

Even if she does believe you, she may not be able to replace them for you. A doctor has to report every prescription they write for a controlled substance to the government and if they see too many, for one patient, too close together, it is highly likely they are going to ask questions.

The first time, there was supporting documentation, the police report, that could be used to explain why she had to write a new one, but without this time, she could end up with serious sanctions or face the loss of her license.

The only thing I can suggest is being honest with her and let the chips fall where they may. There aren't really any other options.


Does anyone else have any advice to add?

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The same thing happened to me. I was staying at a freinds house and his son stole it. I flipped out. But a small lock box from Walmart to stash your medication. Trust no one either, don't tell anyone your on Suboxone.

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Haha I haven't heard the ol "My dog ate them " yet laughing so hard at all these. Everyone I read I picture the faces on each person with a stupid look on their face in front of the doctor. Guys your doctor went to school for 8 years to earn their Doctorate. Do you really think she's gonna believe you when you say... I brought 60 Suboxone with me to a friends house where I was staying for the weekend, and her son stole them. Fortunately for your story the son is prob in rehab already, jail, or overseas. Don't eat all your subs the week you get them and you will be alright!! Or better yet, stop looking at the $ signs and if u do plan on sellin em, take your emergency Rations out. Goin back to ur doctor is going to Taint the relationship , and make u suspect from there on out. Jeez, it still shocks me the short term thought process an addict has. This Thread should be a lesson to you all that you aren't doing anything about your addiction, you simply switched drugs, cuz if you guys aren't displaying typical Addict behavior then I'll eat my shoe. Subs are great if you don't abuse them, but it sounds like everyone is abusing them, so don't worry about it, and go cop your dope if you have to cuz ur still an addict in active addiction

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Re: Broken (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

BS! The police would NOT allow him to leave with YOUR prescription - I know this for a fact because my husband (he is dead now) did leave with my meds and the police pulled his car over, brought my meds back to me, and he went to jail.. Married or not- transfer of controlled drugs is illegal- hello...

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Even being honest I think the doctor will be p8ssed to have medication with her name on it taken twice. My friends doctor cut him loose because of that. She wouldn't prescribe again she said because it's her name in jeopardy and her license could get pulled.

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yea thats blows...jjust be honest and hope for the best

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Re: donna (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

You need help FOR YOU! Obviously, the subs are NOT the same because HELLO, now your son works, does good instead of his OLD ways.. This pisses me off at ppl that are close to those in recovery; You are so quick to be judgmental, hypocritical, and throw cold water on those while their fire is burning the right way! You are still being too codependent, and taking your son's inventory. Just let go and let God take control while you focus on your own recovery; remember, addiction is a family disease not a 1 person in the family. I know this thread is old so I hope that things got much better for ya.. Before ya is ready to say, they just traded 1 drug for another drug & they are still getting high; think back to ALL their old behaviors and COMPARE the old behavior with the behaviors they have now.. God Bless..

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Re: ill jo (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I know this is an old post, but really; a drug addicted thief that was compassionate enough NOT to steal all- they left ya 13!!! WOW, just WoW... ????

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Christmas, you too? Had a friend I knew for 7 years fall asleep on the couch, which was not unusual. He knew I was on this, and the next morning I wake up to find them gone from the medicine cabinet. Tore the ENTIRE place apart over the past few days to be sure. Now I have been spitting back the two that I had into bottles and retaking it with saliva.

What did you do ?

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always keep your meds locked in a large dial safe . KEEP ANY MEDS NOT LOCKED UP ON YOUR BODY AT ALL TIMES. IF YOU HAVE TO SEW OR PIN A POCKET INSIDE OF YOUR CLOTHES, DO IT. You would be shocked at the # OF NICE people who will steal your meds ! TRUST NO ONE unless they have PROVEN THEY CAN BE TRUSTED WITH YOUR MEDS.SORRY BUT THIS IS TRUE. You cannot get meds replaced because you didn't keep them protected, lost them. had them stolen, dropped them in the toilet ,the dog ate them on and on. These are the same stories addicts use to get medicines replaced because in truth they abused their meds. Doctors have heard them all .Doctors have to answer for meds they give out and are watched closely by the FDA. They will lose their license to practice medicine along with fines and other penalties . Sorry to be so harsh about this but it is the truth .I hope you take this as info that will save you a lot of pain and misery along with giving you info you might not realize before you get in a mess like this. Hope this helps someone as it is intended to do not to hurt anyone's feelings or make them mad. When people abuse pain meds they are messing it up for the ones of us who need it and are going by the rules. We all pay the price for people abusing and using meds in the wrong way.

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I've been in the sub program for 3 yrs. N yesterday was the first time they have ever been stolen!! N I had just got 60 a few hours before. But when the bag was torn n looked weird I counted my subs n there's only 13 in my bag!!!! I Don't know what to do and where to start to do it because I think I know who stole them. N I'm gonna prosecute him to the fullest!!!!

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What if you're one of the people that actually did get them stolen and that’s what I told the police. My husband has abused me and my child and used the medicine and stealing it against me for years and I finally snapped after he threatened to throw my 6 month old against the wall and I said fine take my s*** just get out and called 911 and they allowed him to leave with it because we’re married. That’s what I told my doctor and I’m really trying not to crawl back to him over some withdrawals.

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Re: nobody (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

WOW! Your a real jerk! You know that s*** really does happen like this you know. My Fiancée and I went to visit my Dad on a long weekend (Took only what she needed BTW!) only to come home to our trailer broken into and all of our prescriptions were gone. Not everybody that is on the Suboxone program is just abusing them. Some people actually want to straighten out their lives. Even the f***ing laxatives were gone. I'm so glad that your getting a good laugh over someone's misery. It takes a real special kind of A-Hole to do that so I'd like to congratulate you on that one. I really hope you find out what it's like then you can think of the exact moment you were s***ing on someone else for something they couldn't control.

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That's nasty! But u gotta do what u gotta do right? Shoot, never had but a few taken here and there and I get 60 8mgs a mo. plus 2 boxes of 2mgs to add up to 20mg's per day and don't always use my full dose as If I did use that much eday, I wouldn't b able to take a BM and would hurt like hell to go anyways. I like to stick to an even 8mg Eday and no more than 32mg's if needed and feeeeeeeeeeeeeening bad for Oxy or H! Anyways good luck everyone!

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Bulls***. Been there. Dr they were stolen. No reason to bring a script the whole script with you. Dose up, maybe bring one film for later. Have your son take a U/A. I was mommy's little boy who did no wrong till I got shot in Newark buying dope. Ya I know not your son. Sounds like it runs in the family. I know this post was old. I couldn't stop laughing. Everyone on suboxone "lost/stolen/jumped in a pool with them in your pocket" at least once. o man I needed that.

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Now my son use to do all kinds of dope and pills at that and has been clean from hard drugs for 2 years been doing great but i have also try sybo and u feel high off that too. i feel the same even though he's clean off the streets and no trouble he just went to another addiction. i dont say nothing cuz he's really doing better then he was. only problem he's a very nice looking young man who has girls chasing him all the time but for some odd reason he's chasing older houchey momas. ive spoke to his dr and dr said this to is addiction poor guy but yes he just changes from one pill to another but id never tell him that id never want him to go back using he now has. A great job new truck 24 years old did all on his on even helps take care of my oldest son im very proud of him but i agree with the one that said just change to another addiction praying he will be off all one day then i can say from my heart he's clean. love him all the way threw it all

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