Iterax 25 Mg (Page 2)
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I'm taking half of of 25mg tablet 4 times a week to help me sleep. Is there possible side effects in taking this even without an allergy? Is there an addictive ingredient on this drug?

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Iterax does appear to be a foreign equivalent of Atarax, containing the same active ingredient, manufactured in the Philippines.

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my derma has given me some tablets to take in everytime my skin allergy attacks.. one of them is iterax, its effective but i felt my head vey heavy when i woke up in the morning because im taking it before going to bed at night...can i have other tablet aside from iterax? i tried claritin but its quite expensive.. what ointment can i spread on my legs - the affected area?

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i am regularly taking iterax every 4 days for about a year now, because when i stop, my skin itching comes back. are there any side effects for continuously taking this med? does it contain steroids? thanks.

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Ive been taking Iterax 10mg for almost 1 yr everytime my skin allergy comes back, (the redness and the itching of my skin) it was almost every other night for almost 1 yr. Does always taking iterax for a long period of time can cause sickness or affect my body later on? after taking it for almost a year I become more fat and continue to gain weight... Is this the side effects of iterax on my body? Please help...


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so your telling me, that it is safe for me to used this product. And my skin allergy will be gone.

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Well as long as you aren't taking it more often than you are supposed to, then you shouldn't have a problem.

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can i use iterax? everytime i exercise my body suffer from spotted redness and itching.

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I am very sorry, but that is something you should really discuss with your doctor. No one online here can know your medical history as well as how the drug affects you, how it might affect the baby and numerous other factors that go into such decisions.

Your doctor will carefull weigh all the information and determine if any possible risks to your and your baby are worth the benefits of using it, so please call and ask them as they are the only ones who can really give you an answer.

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I'm using iterax 25 mg for almost 2 years now. I'm taking it only twice a week. If i don't drink it, my skin allergy always comes back. And now i am pregnant. Can i take even half of it if i suffered from skin allergy?

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You sure can, however, the correct spelling, which might help you when looking for info in the future is Atarax.

Here's the monograph listing:

Atarax Monograph Click Here

If you click my link, it will open in a seperate window for you.

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can I have a monograph of iterax? indications, side effects, contraindications, drug interactions, dosage of iterax

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