Leptoferm C-i


canine vaccination

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Is leptoferm c-1 a 5-in-1 vaccine for dogs like shih tzu?

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Just wanted to add some information that I found on this drug for our canine family members.

Leptoferm C-I is for the active immunisation of healthy dogs and puppies to reduce clinical signs caused by Leptospira canicola and Leptospira icterohaemorrhagiae. The onset of immunity occurs by approximately 2 weeks after the last dose.

For best results the first round of the vaccination should be administered no sooner than a puppy is 7 weeks old and the second shot should be given at least 14 days apart and no sooner than the dog is 10 weeks old. For dogs older than 10 weeks, the shots simply need to be administered 14 days apart.

The medication warns that it is intended for animals only and that it should not be administered to dogs who are pregnant.

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Where do you need to inject leptoferm c-1???????????????

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