Oxycodone Replacement With Non Opiod Drug
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My Pain Mgt Dr. has been reducing my Percocet 10/325 mg pills down from 6/day to 3/day and my Kadian 20 mg pills down from 4/day to 3/day! I have been on this drug regimen for 7 yrs. due to a poor outcome from my last lumbar fusion surgery.
I have heard that the DEA is requiring that all doctors must wean their patients down off of ALL opiate pain meds.
Can you inform me of possibly any new developments in pain meds that would be accepted by the DEA???
Thanks so much.

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neither is true, the cdc has come out with a new suggested prescribing guideline for opiates that doctors are not bound to, nor are they required to follow. that's the real story

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Hello, Doug! How are you?

No, they don't have to take people off of all pain medications, however, they have been directed to limit how much is prescribed per day to any patient that does not have a possibly fatal illness, such as stage 4 cancer. It's been requested that no one else be given more than the equivalent of 120mgs of Morphine a day and some states have lowered it even further to no more than the equivalent of 100mgs a day.

The FDA warns that opiates carry the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, dry mouth and constipation.

As to non-opiate options, some people do well with Cortisone shots.

Does anyone else have any suggestions or ideas?

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