Pharmacies That Carry White Suboxone


I am in Tennessee, and have been prescribed Suboxone 8/2mg ratio, and was told that the blister packs are the best for people I tried the Amneal orange generic, and it didn't work as well as the white ones I have had in the past. If you know of any pharmacy that carries them please let me know. It said cvs carried them, but I went to five different cvs and they told me "we are not accepting new patients for that drug", so cvs is out and it's the only one I knew that carried the brand manufactured by Actavis Pharmaceuticals, recently acquired by Teva pharmaceuticals. Does Walgreens carry the white Suboxone (Buprenorphine/naloxone), or rite-aid. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks for your time,

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Also, I live in the Tri-cities region, near Johnson city.

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If your a Veteran the VA subscribes the Actavis Elizabeth bupes but only if your VA Psych requests blister packaging... If not it's the Arrow high tech N8s and they suck!! You also have to goto Group once a week. NO GROUP NO PILLS...

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It doesn't really matter about your pharmacy. Especially when it's meds that are prescribed as much as suboxone. Because they may have the ones you want this week but have something different the next week. They just order from whichever pharmaceutical company can meet their demand or finish filling their order at that time. Hope that sort of gives you an idea of how things work or the process of how the pharmacy gets them. Or at least that's how my pharmacist told me how the pharmacy that I get all my medications from, does things.

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Hi , Burgie Drug pharmacy in Elizabethton Tennessee has the actavis brand. I have that pharmacy and I have been trying to get a mfg coupon to help pay for mine as my insurance will not and no one seems like they don't want to help me

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I would like to know as well cause the orange one make me gag an they dont work as well when swallowed

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In Knoxville Tennessee. Today was the first time I ever got the white moon Actavis brand 8mg Suboxone 2mg Naloxone. From Walgreens. I am always afraid of changing because the last ones I changed to I didn't like. We will see but walfreens said they are getting g a lot of different ki da they they used to get. I got the n8 stop signs for over a year and then these out of nowhere. I paid 2.80 and insurance paid 320 for just a two week supply I wanted to try them but they wouldn't do less than 2 weeks right now.

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Re: Tonya (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

You can't swallow suboxone. The stomach lining and acid makes the drug bioavailability drop more than half. It's made to absorb through your mouth or it won't pass the blood-brain barrier. Sorry but swallowing is a waste for sure.

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