Suspect I Might Have Scabies But Need An Answer (Top voted first)


Hi all i have a question please if anyone can help i have tried to figure this out on my own with no luck what so ever so heres my question for the last two years or so i have been getting these little tiny scabes as if i had poked myself with a neddle there and i get them all over some times in little clusters i dont know what the heck they're from - i only learned of scabies about 3 years ago. Now i have many time taken these little scabs and looked at them with a magnifing glass but had no luck making out what if anything the scabies really are. So my question is does this sound like scabies?? Can u actually see the bugs or what someone told me u can but at the same time google says their microscopic. Anybody i need help

2 Replies

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First of all, it's called Scabies. And yes it is a type of skin mite. Usually they cluster around areas on your body that are either bended or folded, like your under arm, front of elbows, wrists, back of knee area, etc. They are microscopic so you would NEVER see them with a magnifying glass. You need to see a Dr who will do a skin scraping to confirm diagnosis. They are easy to treat with a topical mite killing lotion prescribed by your Dr. The lotion must be applied EVERYWHERE! Including genitals! And you MUST be very diligent with cleaning everything and anything that you come into contact with on a regular basis, at the same time you are using cream! ALL bedding must be thoroughly washed in HOT water and bleach to kill both mite and any eggs present. All clothing must be washed the same way. You have to just about sterilize your entire living space as the eggs can survive for a long time, hatch and reinfect you. That is why you keep having recurrent infestations. Good luck, and I hope this helps. Speaking from experience, these dam critters can be extremely itchy and uncomfortable for you to live with.

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Hello, Amy! How are you?

Lynnzie has shared some fantastic information, so she deserves a huge thanks!!! The only things I would add is that bleach isn't necessary, just hot water and laundry soap. As to sterilizing your living spaces, couches and etc. you can actually buy a spray over the counter that you can use for that, it is the same stuff sold to eradicated lice, since that is also a type of mite. You can find these details in the information provided by the NIH.

One very quick and easy way to tell if it is or ins't scabies is if the marks they leave form a pattern. These mites tend to travel in straight lines, so you may have a line going down your arm, or leg. Or it may form a V, or a W, or etc.

Scabs have nothing to do with it. They don't actually scab. If you're seeing scabs crop up, then it is something else.

The bites from scabies mites actually look similar to flea bites.

For example, years ago, when engaged to my first husband, we visited some friends late one night and then both broke out in these marks that looked like flea bites, but were crazy itchy, especially when warm (like under blankets or after a hot shower) and the whole way we found out what it was is thanks to his aunt. The marks on my hand formed a pattern like a W and she said: Oh, you both have scabies!! The doctor prescribed the lotion for it, we used it, you apply it from the neck down and leave it on for 8 hours, then shower and it eliminates them. Then wash all clothes, bedding and etc.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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