Best Generic Adderall Brands (Page 4)


Is the round pink 30 mg Adderall generic name Sandoz/Eon with the markings of CDR 136 on one side more or less effective than the oval orange 30 mg Adderall generic name Barr/Teva with the markings of b974 on one side and 30 on the other side? What is the most effective/potent Adderall that is generic and 30 mg?

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Sid!!! I'm having mega hair shedding too. It started back mid August, I started adderall after a few year break mid June. I was prescribed 20mg XR and 20mg IR a day. My doctir contributed hair loss to a prior stressful event (we moved) and said my body was reacting and it as normal...but it never stopped. I had a lot of hair, super thick and that's prob the only reason that I don't look like I'm balding now.

I've read that the hair loss isn't directly related to adderall but instead to dehydration or a defiency. I saw an integrative health doc hoping she could find something. They tested my thyroid, protein, dehydration, iron and all vitamins...It wAs all normal!

The only time I noticed a decline is when I stopped taking my IR for a week and just the XR/ but it was still happening. Recently I received a new generic and doc bumped me up to 30mg IR back in Sept. I had been on teva but now I have the core ones and I hate them! However I have noticed less hair coming out. One day after washing my hair - I counted 400 hairs out! It's stressful and insane and I'm really thinking it's the adderall.

I recently cut out gluten, dairy and chocolate and have noticed a huge improvement in my add... I cut back on my meds and csnt remember the lady time I took my prescribed dosage of 20 XR and 30 IR in a day...

Have you found a solution? It's so scary!

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Oh my gosh!! No, I haven't figured it out yet.. It is sooo scary!! I'm the same as you!! I had a lot of hair too.. I thought the same thing, thinking it had this had something to do with my nutrition, but I'm a healthy eater for the most part.. I admit I don't drink enough water.. Now I make sure to have plenty of water.. I thought about cutting dairy and flour out of my diet.. What brand are you taking? Maybe it has something to do with 30mg? I don't know.. There has to be a link somewhere that we're missing.. I'm wondering now if I have a fungus? I'm not sure still going from dr to dr.. Im determined!! I'm going to figure this out.. Please keep me updated!

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My exact experience. To the letter.

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Brent?! Seriously! Hair loss? Fungus? What do you take? Mg, dose, and maker?!! I've reported side effects.. Please report to fda!!! Please elaborate.. Please!

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I've been perscribed Adderal for several years now and I have definitely noticed a difference each & every time I have gotten a certain brand/manufacture's adderal & for me the pink round tablets cause my blood pressure & body temp to go up & I'm more prone to get headachs with it. It just overall makes me feel a little different; I can't explain it in words, I just feel a little crappy I guess, like a little constant reminder that I'm taking this medication & I dont usually experiance any of that with the orange oval tablets.

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Hello all, I'm on Adderall 20mg brand name "Now" due to so many problems getting a decent generic like 40mg Teva/Barr which worked consistently well for me. I even specifically asked my publix who usually would get It In to request only that manufacturer but,1week later it was aurabodino or whatever. So, I had to go in see my drs partner who's kinda a jerk&plead my case, bringing my medicine with me and be put on trial basically by the nurse, P.A&dr because, I was frustrated, etc. He put me on brand 20mg at $235 after using Rx coupons at walmart. But, I thought I was the only one who "Heats up"from taking any of the Adderall brands. It can be truly miserable in Florida during summer after taking my medicine, my makeup sweats off, etc. So, my guess is it's common to the medicine & after reading things here I drink more water, no Vitamin C, etc. Good luck

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I live in Pell city, AL & I just got a script filled of 30 MG & they are pink with cor 136 on them. I came across this post because I normally use Walgreens & get them oval orange ones & I was trying to look up their difference & wondering if there pink ones were as good as they orange. Anyway I used " Pell city pharmacy " ( up by kmart) . I thought u might want to know when I seem bham, al!
Hope this is helpful. Let me know what you think of the pink ones?

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Does anyone know the binders in Sandoz generic 30mg ir? I'm wondering if I'm experiencing these nasty side effects from the binders? Verses generic 30 mg teva binders? Any info would be greatly appreciated..

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Hey Kirk... Ask your pharmacy (and go to a different one if they say no) if they can simply order the generic manufactured by Barr. It's the oval shaped one (it has b973 on one side and 30 imprinted on the other). It's closer to the Original and I've found it works much better than the Round ones that you are talking about. Both are generics, but produced by different manufacturers, so your doctor CAN"T specify "brand" (neither is band.. only "Aderall" is brand) but almost any decent pharmacy will happily order from a different supplier if you simply ask and be specific.

And man... If you need someone to talk to, simply to unload on, to help keep your spirits up, I know this is just "the internets" and we're all random anonymous usernames... but I think humanity & compassion can still exist in cyberspace. So touch base with me if you want. :-)

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Sid - I know we both were experiencing hair loss- I wanted to update you. For the most part, mine has stopped! Thank God! The only things that have changed is that my stress level got reduced a lot, I stopped taking as much adderall (prescribed 20mg xr and 30 mg Ir which I split in half) I usually take IR in Am and again around 1pm and skip the xr or on some days I'll take the xr in AM and only half IR in early afternoon. I'm not sure if that is related...also, in Nov I received a diff generic ( that's how I foundcthis post), at first it didn't seem to work as well but toward the end of the month I started realizing that it made my cleaning less ocd like and reduced my anxiety. I find that on the Tevas which I had been taking some June, they worked well but I could feel them kick in, get a rush on most days, was more focused on small things like scrubbing the cabinets- while on core which most ppl on here don't like - I'm more chill and have experienced no headaches at come down- I'm also more apt to reorganize and de clutter a cabinet rather then scrubbing it clean - hope that makes sense, I'm on my phone. My doc says hair loss was due to stress and a hair shedding period - my hair always grew, I didn't have huge bales spots just thinning everywhere. Mine started mid August and has just now finally stopped enough for me not to worry about it all the time. Could be stress or the new generic or cutting down (although some days I take more) .... Just wanted to update you, couldn't remember which generic you were on. I can also say that I argued more with my husband, was terrible at wife duties like cooking, kids would snack nc I was hyper focused on cleaning with the tevas so I'll stick with core for now...sure I don't get a big kick but I like it better bc it's just enough. Good luck, let me know how you are doing.

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I've been taking generic (right now it's Barr) Aderrall for about 10 yrs. In the past couple of years I've had this weird burning tongue, sometimes the roof of my mouth too. Just wondered if anyone else experienced this?

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The Mallinckrodt has been recalling their Concerta generic! So, if everyone tries to check out the FDA updates you'll find an area with regular monthly and sometimes weekly info on recalls and problems with medications prescribed and over the counter and it's frightening how many or severe the level of problems are going on too.

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Yes,Itotally agree! I get the same brand/dose from the same pharmacy, and every month they affect me differently! (20mg IR Barr/Teva-oval football shape, orange from CVS). Three months ago I got a batch that did nothing! It was like taking a sugar pill- no effect what so ever. I told the pharmacist and she did not believe me. They would not take the pills back or refund my money. The pharmacist told me that it was impossible, they could not be different. She basically treated me like I was a crazy drug seeker. Thank God I have a great doctor, and he believed me, and wrote me a new script, which I had filled with Brand name. But it costed me $400.00 for 75 pills ( I take 21/2 pills per day) , so not an option ever again! This month they feel 10 times too strong, and I'm totally wired, cant sleep, and have a lot of muscle tension. This is crazy. But the saddest part of the whole thing is that most pharmacists are totally unaware of this situation, or don't believe this can happen, they are totally ignorant. I would like to try desoxyn (methamphetamine), as I have read great things about it on these forums, but my doc is afraid to prescribe it, as he thinks it will be a red flag, and get the attention of the DEA. Whats a person suppose to do?

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I have ADHD and have used several preparations of amphetamine salts over the last 15 years. The brand name 'Adderall' manufactured by Shire is very good followed by the orange Barr generic, then the pink Core Pharma. The later seems marginally less affective than Barr and considerably less affective then the name brand (by Shire).

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Ihave been on adderall for a few years and I noticed that its the only medication that cost the same amount no matter if its the 10...20...or I do mean the IR's.. .so if your doctor prescribes you 10's or 20's just tell him to give you the same total amount of Mg's in 30' will be less pills and way cheaper.

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I'm with you. I used to be able to avoid Teva / Barr by using brand. But now they are making the brand and it's their usual ineffective product. Where can I go in New York to have the efficacy of my medication tested?

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I was a specialty pharmaceutical rep for a number of years, selling Adderall, and Adderall XR. Generics in psychopharmacology is a recipe for disaster. The generics are allowed to vary from 80-120% of the active ingredient in the branded medication. In dealing with bio-psychological disorders, it is essential to carefully titrate and monitor response to medication. I have dealt with ADHD for 17 years, and have learned that relying on variations inherent in generics leads to serious issues for people suffering with this disorder. Always go with the branded medication, you are removing variables that could lead to further confusion and trying to decide on new disorders responsible for the problems instead of poorly manufactured "copy" medication

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In my opinion the orange football shaped adderall pills are by far the most effective. The pink circle pills to me are an absolute sugar pill as I call it. It's a placebo to me. But that's the one by corapharm. Sandoz I rank in the middle. Not great but not worthless. I usually have to take am extra of Sandoz, where the pink ones do not work once bit. However, I am extremely sensitive to generics. I have a friend who prefers the pink ones. He takes way less than me. I take 60 MG a day. I will take my script to multiple pharmacies and ask which makes their generic. If you have a cool dr like I did in 2009 when I began adderrall I was able to call him and tell him the new pink ones just don't work. He wrote me a new script no questions asked. said keep them in case I needed a backup. Then my other dr made me fill out a police report when I lost my script before I got it filled. The biggest complaints with teva is jitters, or racing heart. That doesn't bother me as it doesn't last long. And it's much better than the one's I believe come from India or China it is a placebo. I said I was sensitive. Generics have same main ingredients but all the binding ingredients can be whatever they want. It's not just generic adderall I notice differences in but ambien and Ultram too. That's my personal opinion. Hope it helps!

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