Fentanyl Patch Withdrawal Symptoms (Page 2)
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I have been on the 100 mg patch and Percocet for my Crohns and Colitis for years. Last week I went cold turkey on my own recognizance. I had my 2nd colostomy surgery which elevated my pain mostly, hence quitting. I am having insomnia and terrible joint pain but never had I been more clairvoyant in years. I take Advil for my back and work out 4 days a week which helps sweat the toxins out. Exercise releases natural endorphins which are like a synthetic morphine so my specialist says. Its up to each individual to face their own truth. When you're ready to quit, you know. I wouldn't advise you to do what I did but that's always been my personality. I quit smoking this way as well. Its not for everyone. Good luck all. After the storm comes the sunshine, TRUST ME!

36 Replies (2 Pages)

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I have been on the 75mg fentanyl patch for four years along with taking 180 mg of oxycodone per day. I want off of both but am very afraid of the withdrawals I will go through. I only weigh 84 pounds. What should I do?

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I just stop 175 mg every 2days.have been on pain meds for 13 years,all of them, and have had enough!! (great job)

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FENTANYL TRANSDERMAL SYSTEM 50 ug/h PATCH, EXTENDED RELEASE may interact with some other drug or may have side effects as it is Full Opioid Agonists [MoA],Opioid Agonist [EPC].
Side effects and drug interaction caused by FENTANYL TRANSDERMAL SYSTEM 50 ug/h PATCH, EXTENDED RELEASE on different organs can be calculated using ATC CODE.

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Oh man you should ween off, you will really be torturing yourself to days of in needless agony.. Good luck.. Reed the Infoseek and suggestions in the forums, a lot of goog help here...

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Hi, I would like to talk to you about your Crohn's & use of pain medication! I've had Crohn's for @ 15 yrs & usually can tolerate the pain or combat it w hydrocodone, but lately it's been unbearable & I've gone to fentanyl patches. My Dr's aren't very willing to prescribe narcotics for it, which leaves me in a great deal of pain & unable to function/work/enjoy my kids etc. Any advice? I'm getting sooo frustrated with dr's not understanding that I need relief!!

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I was on Fentanyl Patches 100mg for over a yr. for 3 herniated disc, mid and low back pain, genetic hemochromatosis and endometrioses. I also suffer from PTSD. I never would have used Fentanyl if I knew how strong it was. I did all PT they asked me too, no surgery and weaned myself off the patches after having radial ablation surgery on my mid back hernias. I went so slow weaning off even then my Dr. thought I did it too fast. I was cutting my flat patches down lil by lil. I went down 10mgs a time then in the end jumped off at 5mgs. I still had withdrawals. After 48hrs I had the absolutely worst night ever. Sneezing, shaking, internal vibrations, uncontrollable freezing and then burning and hives so bad I thought my eyeballs were itching out of my head. My Dr. explained to expect this & I am very determined and stubborn & the patches took away my life that I desperately wanted back. I had No energy whatsoever even quit my job. I pushed past the 48hrs & Dr. gave me Klonapin for anxiety and a low dose of Percocet 4xs day for pain. I am soo much better & soo proud of myself. My husband held me through it all & even wanted me to put another low dose patch on. I just kept saying my mantra " I can do all things thru Christ who strengthens me," he said it with me and prayed for me. I never even tried drugs in High School so I prefer if I can go the PT and exercise route with B-12 and nutrition if at all possible this will work for me.

Thank God I had these patches when I needed them. I couldn't even lie down with mid thoracic and lower back pain so bad for two yrs. WE bought a temperoedic mattress (a Godsend for me) an electric blanket and slept with a heating pad on low with icy hot on me.Also started 20mg 1x daily with Prozac which helped me tremendously with the back pain for the better! :} God Bless you all you can do anything you put your mind too if you want it bad enough!. I used oral Benadryl and hydrocortisone crème 1% for the hives and itching that at times you couldn't even see a rash but woke me up at night and drove me to the edge of insanity. Swimming also helped in the latter part of PT. Hope this helps even one person then my pain will have been pain with a purpose! Much Love and Healing to all!! :} Everyone's journey is different and this is just my experience and is what worked for me! Best of Luck!!

JR. I will be glad to answer any questions and support you in any way that I can. e-mail below! :} {edited for privacy}

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What kind of medication can they give to help? My doctor was just having me take my dilaudid which ddoesn't really do anything since it is my breakthrough medication but take it daily. Just wondering if it's worth the time to call and get an apt.

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A few years ago, I stopped smoking cold turkey. The way I did it was to have my first heart attack! Some voice asked if I smoked. I said no. The voice once again asked how long ago I had quit. "I don't know, what time is it?"

After smoking between 2 to 3 packs a day for almost 30 years, I just quit. Reason? PAIN. Nicotine damages heart cells. Congrats on your courage in quitting Fent the way you did. If I quit, I would not be able to walk because of the neuropathy in both feet.

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Im off morphine completely and utterly all withdrawal symptoms have gone and I feel normal again took me good month before I felt I was winning so all of you who want to get off morphine patches etc be brave you'll get there in the end.

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Omg how u must be suffering....go to your Dr..tell them to give u a duff med to wean off or to use permanatley, I feel your pain !!
The withdrawal that you suffer is much worse than the pain although then you have both to deal with which is quite unbearable, I see why some people just take their lives!!

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I've been on 75mcg Fentanyl patch for eight years...

12 days ago I just ripped the damn thing off. Cold Turkey is a heartless woman(didn't know if bad language was allowed. lol)

I was lifting heavy weights and doing some serious labor before then. Now in the morning I'm okay but by noon I can barely lift a cup to my mouth. Can't sleep. Nausea and cramps.

I want to stay busy but there are hours I can barely stand.

What gives? Will this pass?

How long does it take for your body to be your own again?

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Hi, I know what you are going though, having been admitted as an emergency to hospital was put on morphine liquid fo a fortnight,then I came home on Fentanyl patches, I decided to come off them as they made me feel so spaced out,BIG mistake i have had sweats,cannot sleep get intensely hot throw off all bedding then get cold then hot again,I get weepy for the silliest things,legs ache,BUT I am determined to do it been off them for 5 days now and cannot say its any easier but am trying to be upbeat and think in another 5 days I should be possibly there,my DOc was no help so had to do it alone,so be brave all of you it can be done just believe in your own inner strength.

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Yes I can say kudos, however my story is a little different, I live in a small town very small !!!, My sons car was stolen and my 100mcg patches were in the car, I had some norco and other meds in the car when it was stolen, I took some old methadone and i also had an old rx for morphine I my doc decided to test me and guess what, she stripped me from my meds, and I have a bad degenerative disc disease, I want back on my patches and no other doc in town will take me on as a patient I am not ready to stop my pain meds and really need help to get another doc to help me with this, I thought doctors signed an oath to do no harm, well I am harmed if anyone has any advise please help me.., I am suposed to write a letter to my doc asking her to take me back on as a patient, and sign a new contract but i cannot even get her to call me back, I really need help now very uncomfortable and that might be because I was not ready to get off of the meds. thank you painful in Janesville.

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Hi . This is really unheard of. Kudos to you. Is there anything else u used to help.

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I'm very glad to hear that things are going well for you.

Quitting such a potent narcotic cold turkey can be very tough, even if you weren't abusing it and were only using it as prescribed, so kudos to you.

I also sincerely hope that you continue to do well and that things continue to improve for you in the future.

Can you post back and keep us updated?

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HI Iceman,

Thank you for your input! I definitely don't recommend going cold turkey off any medication, but I'm glad that you were successful and have turned to exercise as a method of pain management. I definitely notice that any pain/ inflammation I have subsides once I stick with a workout regime and juice plenty of fruits and vegetables. It's important that others know about the alternative ways to becoming pain free and healthy. Essential oils are also great to try when battling pain, here is a link to a page that offers information about different essential oils for pain: experience-essential-oils.com/essential-oils-for-pain.html

I hope this helps!

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