Ms Contin Prescription Withdrawal (Page 2) (Top voted first)


Im a 58 yr old woman. I'm bipolar, reclusive and my husband is an over the road trucker. 4 years ago i was put on Percocet 10/325. The dr missed a broken shoulder bone so i switched Drs who added MS Contin. I had rotator cuff surgery but within 3 months I went to bed at Thanksgiving and woke up at the hospital on Xmas. I had severe pneumonia - they induced the coma as my oxygen was mid 60s, and after 3 chest tubes failed, they had to go in and physically debride my lung. So besides shoulder to wrist pain I have phantom nerve pain over that scar. My dr told me the nerves cant connect. I don't take street drugs, nor seek drugs, but my vision is bad and my husband left a tablet in a dish by my chair which i thought was a Percocet and took it. Well, it wasn't. I knew i was going to have a UA on my next visit, but due to this, (and there is no way whatever was left in my system was high levels at all) he dismissed me as a patient and will not even talk to me nor offer advice how to quit. My husband took me to the ER Saturday night because I woke up screaming because my calves were cramped like rocks. Last year in a trip that got delayed i ran out of meds for about 8 days and i know whats coming next. I have NO ONE to even keep an eye on me let alone help me. I don't think i can survive either physically or mentally. I've tried calling doctors, the hospital, and no one cares. I'm older, just a bottom feeder in Purdue's pharmaceutical ruin of this country. Other than writing a will, is there ANY help for me? I have no family. Although my Dr knew i needed mental services (esp after the coma), none were provided. What do i do? Im running out of time and energy.. help me please.

72 Replies (4 Pages)

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Apparently you are fortunate enough to not have to deal with bipolar, which was passed down to several family members from my alcoholic father and was well documented. As far as the pain meds, i never asked my doctor for them EVER..never asked him to increase them EVER. Maybe you misread when i ran out because i took enough for the length of our trip the rest were at home, because i learned very quickly, friend, neighbor etc will first have a horrible whatever, borrow a couple, then it happens again by time 3 NOWAY. I've had them stolen from my purse before so I am very cautious where i put them and on this trip we were felaued thru no fault of our own. When i went back this last time, on appt day, they wouldn't even let me speak with him however i did notice in the new construction of his partnership involved they are adding there very own pharmacy. Wonder more if this was created by the talk, respectfully, i had with his office mgr the month prior, because although never having ONE outstanding balance she gave me quite the dressing down in front of a full patients lobby. I asked her next time to please pull me aside as i did her. She was oh so sweet until the next month. I knew i would have a u/a that month but it wasn't until after, that, that my husband brought up the method ne and it had to have been extremely low in my urine. Had i known it was there i would have told him prior.

He shrugged off the marijuana he said was in my system. So i went back to the first dr i saw since moving here. He had missed a broken shoulder blade prior to my rotator cuff surgery. I saw him yesterday and while very stoic, not friendly his concern was marijuana in my system and while he took me back, only because they are the only 2 drs ive seen nor did i ever change pharmacies he made it very clear no marijuana. And i let him know if he wanted to wean me that's fine and i also said id do and pay for a u/a weekly. I'll have to study up on adequate pain relief, ive already given up horses my career. Vice TV did a show on Oxycontins new company and name, they are introducing them to. Asia where many Drs remarked that this company wanted to do to their country what they did to america. Anyway not home free, he hasnt received first dr records even tho i signed a release for everything. But God Bless those who prayed for me and encouraged me, i truly appreciate you, and to the people who thought this was all about transportation, i own a car, so im not sure how you thought transportation was my problem but no it isnt. I've looked for pain clinics no luck and am now blowing my left rotator cuff using my left arm to compensate for my right..Due to my lungs, i dont think but dont know if surgery is even a option. But if you have never had bipolar, been reclusive, live with chronic pain dont be so quick to judge or say that won't happen to me.

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Thank you so very much but it apppears the DEA trumps any hippotahtic post, and the er could careless if you have seizures..Its called pass the buck. I went to my Dr on our scheduled appt and i wasnt even.permitted to see him, but ive kept really.accurate journal, because besides being bipolar. I.also have COPD and when startled or scared my throat closes up.One day last summer i was in that area, i felt really odd, had a hard time breathing and got a bit frightened so i pulled into his 4 Dr practice and asked if they would please check my blood /ox, now mind you i was a 4 year patient. They refused, they said unless i had a appt with my dr no.way and sent me back.out to to try.and drive home NO ONE cared and in thinking back the tuesday before Thanksgiing when i thgt maybe i was getting bronchitis, he listened to my chest, gave me a shot, ordered a pet scan but my blood ox was already so off i tjgt he said cat scan, sunday after Thksgiving. No one checked blood ox then when I got home my husband put me to bed and that was it untill the following sunday, i woke up shortly before xmas. Very bizarre. and was not even checf

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Once again a methadone clinic is designed for pain lol. Try that for your withdrawal and current pain. Read the help on this chat!!! Methadone is prescribed for people who are addicted to opiate based pain killers of real or synthetic origin for the physically and mentally addicted person.

Methadone clinics have been around for years in the usa. Florida has many many inpatient rehab centers for pain med addiction and continued use. lol why you dont take advantage of this makes no sense. Once again myself and others have given you solid information for you to get help, but you repost like an angry person who blames others for your dilemma. if the hospital you went to did nothing (?) try another or call social services in your area for immediate help or 911 for help to find the care you need.

Dont kill the messenger lady... I was a on ms contin, oxycodone, hydrocodone and xanax for 25 years prescribed by my dr. Then in Jan of 2016 he pulled the plug, said find a rehab to detox and deal with your pain.
I took his advice. Take mine. Call 911, social services, fire, police. But don't kill the messenger who gave you plausible options to solve your trouble.

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Thank you Cactus Arizona. We all tried to direct her with all human options. She just wanted ti repost then repost ..walk in her shoes.
If she is inteligent enough to get on the internet she has a car we found out after a few post a husband . she admitted to breaking her drs narcotic policy.
She has to find a new dr. Perhaps go to inpatient rehab for withdrawls.or a methadone clinic for pain management and withdrawls . she needs to be her own advocate ..or contact social services or police fire hospitals to advocate for her. I dont think she is as grief struck over pain management with only self admitted seeing 2 drs in two years.
Chronic pain suffers as myself for 30 years see many drs per year for test. New pain block methods etc. She has to start with not killing the messengers she asked help with.
Good luck blacksaddle . if your in Jackson MI.there are many rehabs or inpatient programs . you just have to go. Not blame ur problem on others . the dr. May have prescribed pills .. But you took them .

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No you cannot die from withdrawals of those meds only benzos and alcohol!

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Re: tammyb (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Hello reply to you is several months late but I don't believe there a pain mgmt doctor fairly close to Kalispell. Across the US pain clinics are closing down and fewer doctors are willing to prescribe narcotics.
One doctor who understands and truly cares for his patients is a Forest Tennant of West Covina, CA. I was resding a state newspaper and saw an article about him where he has taken a few Montana patients. He seems to be the only intervening opportunity for Montana pain med refugees.

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Re: Maricica (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

Hello...I know that your response was to #tammyb (# 8) but I wanted to say that you're 100% correct about Dr. Tennant being an amazing PAIN doctor! Did you go to him!!?? He saved me from a life of SEVERE DAILY INTRACTABLE MIGRAINES.

I had already been suffering horribly with them for close to 20 years with no real relief from "traditional" MIGRAINE MEDS, when I found him. Back in the late '90's he used to fly up from his West Covina practice to No. CA once a month for a week to his practice up there. He also was a major contributor in helping change the PAIN LAWS in CA so that DOCTORS could treat their patients correctly without fear of repercussions from the DEA. Sadly he stopped coming up north years ago, so he's no longer my doctor but I've still had 2 GREAT PAIN doctors since then & my current one is a family practitioner who also treats PAIN patients.

But with the current hysteria surrounding this "epidemic" of addicts OD'ing on OPIATE meds that weren't RX'D to them, the laws are again changing & it's affecting PAIN patients. It seems like PAIN doctors are increasingly Rx'ing SUBOXONE for their PAIN patients because (I think) pressure from the CDC & DEA in an attempt to control the OPIATE ADDICTION problem.

YEARS ago, my meds got lowered considerably to the point where I'm on very little for PAIN...thankfully my SEVERE MIGRAINES aren't near as often...It seems that menopause helped that!!

Did that article you read say that he flys to Montana OR that he has patients who fly in from Montana?? Because he's SO knowledgeable about OPIATE THERAPY it wouldn't surprise me if people FLEW in to see him. I know when he quit coming up here some patients ended up going down south to him. And was it a current article?? Because I know that he does alot more speaking engagements now, but he still has the West Covina practice. Really interesting to read on this site about a doctor who I used to see!! And also proof that really good PAIN doctors are harder to find.

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Re: Cactus Arizona (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

You cannot die from opiate withdrawal. Alcohol and benzodiazepine withdrawal you can but not opiates. It would not be the cause. And now the doctor can’t just write a new script it’s part of that oath you all keep referring. Also the doctor could lose his license to practice.

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if you can find a Methadone office, that is what they are there for, or got to ER, look for a Subutex doc

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True but to a point.. It's something else to get hooked on. Just covering up one for another. I did the Suboxone and Methadone programs, neither supportive and as i was there for pain management that never happened, i was treated like a using addict. I'm an addict in recovery but i haven't dosed in 9 years as of this october. My meds were just stolen.. 66 days tooooo early for refill and i've spent the last 36 days in utter hell.

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I have a daughter who was addicted to many pain medications because of pain management who just kept adding more and more and stronger and stronger. I watched her go through servere withdrawals and beg for pills to just stop what she was going through. It was horrible just as what you are going through is horrible. She is alive today and pain meds free. Do not go to another addiction. The methadone and the other one to supposedly help is just another addiction. Go to a mental health counselor and talk. Talk therapy does wonders!! Go to church, talk to a pastor. Many churches have Celebrate Recovery. Do what is necessary but leave the addictive medication alone. Just know that you are well into the withdrawal and on the road to recovery.. Be proud of yourself for not giving in!! Best of luck to you and God Bless you!!

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I am reading all of this and I am scared to death. I just went through a spinal fusion with rods and bolts to keep the spine in place. I am 3 weeks out and am coming up for what I thought was going to be an easy refill for my pain medication (Oxycodone 5-325). Now I am so freaked out that they won't taper me slowly as I was on Tramadol for 6 years before my surgery. My PCP kept writing my rx until I became my own advocate and wanted x-rays, MRI, and Cat Scan. Finally I was referred to a Nuerosurgeon for an opinion and he did my surgery after several spinal inj's. all while my PCP was still writing my rx for tramadol. Now post surgery I am 3 weeks on this oxy and think I am going to need one more month of pain meds. After that....who should I go to for tapering off these opioids? I don't think my PCP wants any part of my surgery recovery. Why is this so hard to get what is needed?? I am baffled by healthcare anymore.... Seems they all want to shove you to the next doc who will see you... If you can find one. Where is the hypocritical oath our Drs take to get their License to be a Doctor!! Scared pt. who needs some advice?

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Her problem is nobody is there to help her in transportation or simple watch her. Thats why i recommended call 911 its a now brainer. She has enough brains even with bipolar to post a question on internet. So she has a means for outside communication . you can contact many citys towns countys via internet for help also. You need medical attention if your as bad as you claim . i had seeked same avenues when on medications that i was physically addicted .

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You'll be okay in withdrawal it'll be uncomfortable for about 2 weeks my worst withdrawal have been benzos OMG that was so hard I grinned and beared it! Another was Abilify it was horrible! That drug should be off the market

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Like another poster recommended, please order yourself some kratom. It will completely alleviate your withdrawals and help with pain. I order from Kratom one and it arrives in two days. Please do yourself a favor and give it a shot! I use kratom ones tri-force.

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Okay, I keep thinking about your post and did you try your doctor again? Did he talk to you? No matter what happened your doctor is doing you wrong. You were kicked out of the program and I believe you did not realize you took the wrong meds. Any rate if you can't take the withdrawal please go to the hospital and tell them to call your doctor. This is not right. Your a human being you should not be treated like this. You still have legit pain. Medicare covers rehab center but your not a addict!!! Your a pain patient and you didn't ask for this pain. None of us want this pain. So please go to the ER have them call the doctor and they have to treat you. Doctor put you on the meds for a reason. Don't bother ordering withdrawal meds, you need to be seen. Withdrawal can kill you. Yes it can. I don't even know you and I'm deeply concerned with your well being. You are not a junkie you were in a program you have nothing to be worried about. The Hospital will treat you. Explain your situation and if they don't believe you. Then have them give you pain meds on a weekly basis along with drug panels to prove that you just made one mistake. You took the pill your husband gave you. Regardless. The pain clinic can do weekly meds and drug panels for you if they don't believe you. I'm so sorry you're going through all of this. Please don't suffer, go to a hospital and take it from there.

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You don't say how many oxy 5 / 325 you're taking a day. I am not familiar with Tramadol. You say you've been on it for 3 weeks and you may need it for another month. I do not see how you could possibly get addicted to that medication for taking it that short of period of time 2 months said.Even at four, - 20 mg. a day, I don't think you have anything to worry about. I commend your caution that's smart.

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26 shouldn't have a problem with getting another month refill as long as you're taking is as written.
Also the reason why doctors are not wanting to Rx what we NEED for pain it's because of the CDC is SO concerned about the ADDICTS who get their hands on pain meds that were legitimately prescribed to someone else. So they figure if Dr.'s aren't Rxing as much there will be less for someone to OD & die from. Fun, huh???
I hope that after you heal from your surgery you won't have to deal with this BS anymore.

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ACTUALLY I take Abilify 39 mg daily for my manic bipolar with 5 mg diazepam 3 x daily. Best medication mix that ive tried in 15 sorry it was so horrible for you...

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Let us know how it goes with the lawyer. I'm thinking about reporting my doctor to the state medical board. He can't figure out how to order my prescription. He'll order something but he'll order the wrong version (capsule instead of pill, a dosage that isn't manufactured) then he never responds when I tell him that it wasn't correct and the pharmacy can't fill it. Doesn't care that I'm having withdrawal symptoms due to his incompetence. When I go in to see him, he tells me he fixed the problem (or he argues with me and tells me that the computer says that they make that dosage--but won't pick up the phone to call the pharmacy (after I spent a lot of time checking with a number of pharmacies in town and online-- the strength that he ordered is not made).

---I got a copy of the clinical notes from my visit this week and had to laugh at his lies when he says he examined me (he never has and he has never asked me any of the health questions that were answered for me.

---If I learned anything from the FBI hearing, I need to write down everything that took place--immediately after I see him.

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