My Doc Will Not Refill My Xanax Im Feeling Sick (Page 2)
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I was prescribed Prozac & Xanax 10 years ago by my psychiatrist for depression & severe panic attacks. He started me on 1mg 3 times a day. Around Dec 2005 he increased my daily dose to 1 mg - 4 times a day. I have been a patient of his now for 10 years where I see him every 3 months. Through the years, there has been a few times were I had to call to reschedule my appointment and a couple of times he had to do the same. He would call in my meds for the amount I would need to get me through to my next appointment. This month I had an appointment for May 27th I called to reschedule due to transportation. I do not drive now and my ride canceled on me. so, I rescheduled my app. for June 17th I then requested my meds be called in until my appointment, a 3 week supply. She said she would call me back when it was called in later that day. Not hearing anything I called back the next day to find out what was going on. I was told my doctor feels uncomfortable due to liability reasons to re-fill my medication, until I see him again in June. I asked her what about the liability to take me off medication I have been taking for 10 years? She told me to go to my primary physician to get my meds. I told her my primary care doctor will not prescribe me those medications without my medical records from this office and I just signed a medical release form a few days ago at my first appointment with this new primary doctor, so she told me to go to an urgent care if my symptoms became to uncomfortable for me to deal with!! I had enough xanax to last me until today. I took my last xanax this morning and I am already starting to feel sick, my head feels cloudy, I feel like I'm getting the flu. My heart is racing, I'm feel really anxious & closed in. Has anyone out there gone off xanax cold turkey what more should I expect? I don't understand how a doctor can prescribe medication like this for 10 years and just make you stop so suddenly it doesn't seem fair. I have lost trust in my doctor now and I don't think I can continue to be his patient anymore. I am scared and I don't know who to turn too.

649 Replies (33 Pages)

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Re: marlee (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Marlee, I would just get your refill filled, and then taper slowly with the remaining pills. Of course this post was 12 years ago and people are still geting sick from it, Xanax is poison!

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Re: Been taking Xanax since 1990 (# 627) Expand Referenced Message

Been on Xanax since 13 yrs old. Also on adderall now, and subutex for pain. I'm 36 years old going through hell.

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That is called withdrawals you will survive,That's why they have cabs.

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I’m sorry so sorry to hear that something happened to you like me.. I have experienced nausea, vomiting, cold sweats, heat. Feeling like I can’t leave the house or do anything every little tiny thing is such a big chore exhausted and just downright wrong.. I can no longer find a doctor that will prescribe them in there unless I want to pay $250 out of pocket.

If anyone knows of any doctor in Arizona or any resources please let me know. I have been told that purple lotus flower damiana and Passion flower are good, but I also heard it is made from potato alcohol so like vodka. As crazy as it sounds it does help if you spin out of control into a major panic attack. I’m not promoting drinking but have been and tried everything. If u are able to, try working out. Extreme workouts of 30 minutes releases the same endorphins and it’s comparable to taking 10 mg (don’t quote me on that) of a benzo.

I have hope for doctors and pray for help for those out there that don’t abuse but actually need them to function. And I have tried the crazy roller coaster of government promoted medications from hydroxyzine to clonidine to mood stabilizers to antidepressants x 4 and was put into a medication induced mania.

Surgical nurse by trade is my profession but I think benzodiazepines are going to be the next Opiate epidemic or is happening now and no one is talking about it how can a doctor treat a patient if they cannot exercise the right to practice medicine as a doctor? They are all in fear as they should be with the government charging lots of them as drug dealers and that is not the case!

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Re: Will (# 622) Expand Referenced Message

So so correct. That’s why my daughter who has suffered very extreme panic attacks since the age of 12 never ever ever misses an appointment. We found out she carries a gene that does not process SSRI medications. Clonazepam was too strong for her. And it lasted too long to the point where she could not do her homework. She was like a walking zombie. They now have her on trintillex and low dose Xanax. Has made all the difference in the world. And she continues to make improvements every day. Of course there are always backslides. But she does not miss appointments. Even if she’s in the middle of a panic attack she still goes. Because doctors are under obligations to see their patients. And they could only write her these two medications because the previous 10 medications they tried and hurt did not work. And only made things worse. And there’s a waiting list. So I don’t wanna have to go through trying to find another Doctor Who will prescribe her the same medication. We had genetic drug testing done on her to find out which medications would be the best and that test proves to be invaluable!! But I am not gonna screw things up by having her miss appointments. Doctors have to follow the law and no patient is worth it and they are under no obligation to write patients prescriptions for controlled medications when they feel that they are Miss using them or are missing appointments. That is not medical malpractice. Many people are under the impression that the doctor needs to take for the patient but that is just not true. Not for controlled meds!!

A patient can always go to the hospital when they have misused the medication and it has been taken away. However I will say one thing. I take clonazepam for seizures. And for a while I was getting this weird blue generic medication I think it was made by accord or solco. Actually they are basically the same company. But whenever I was Given those medications by my pharmacy, they never ever showed up in my lab work. And I do not miss my medication. I take it three times a day so I do not have a seizure so I can keep my license and so I can stay alive. I went into cardiac arrest during one seizure and I don’t wanna wind up a statistic. My doctor believed me. Because I’ve never lied to him. I’ve always been honest with him. He knew I had been addicted to painkillers in the past. He knows I went through a program. So I am upfront and honest. When I switch to the green or yellow clonazepam tablet they do show up in my drug panels. I think that’s very weird. But Honesty with your doctor is critical. So it is not texting on your phone right after an appointment. Just don’t do stupid stuff people.

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Re: anonomous (# 623) Expand Referenced Message

If you may have noticed, this post was in 2010

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i feel so bad for you, because i used to live 5 miles away from my dr and didnt drive, and now i live 17 miles away and i get xanax, adderall and they "thank the lord!" have a pharmacy in the building where you go write after you see the dr. man i am lucky. you need to form a relationship with your dr so he knows you and you are honest, or if you arent like me who has been to a dr since i was 5, they will look at people like dr shoppers, it sucks but its true. if you are in benzo withdrawl call somebody or go to hospital. only option.,

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I would find a new doctor and report him to your State’s Medical Board. Coming off of Xanax cold turkey is dangerous and must be done under medical supervision. It also seems like you are not very responsible about making sure you are at your appointments. The Dr doesn’t get paid if you do not make your appointment, and Dr’s have to keep record of what dangerous drugs they are prescribing and they also have regulations they have to follow to continue prescribing these meds (3 month checkup). He may also believe you are abusing the medication. Always 2 sides to a story. Go to the Hospital if you are not able to get the medication. I would show up at the Dr Office and talk to the Dr to find out what is going on and why he isn’t refilling the med.

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Re: Verwon (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Man idk why you people think it's not as bad if you don't"abuse" it and take it "as prescribed, the withdrawal feeling is still there no matter which drug and then you stop you are going to get sick

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Dear dawn, your dr yes I have to agree is very unresponsible as this can be very dangerous to stop taking this kind of medication and he knows that. You need to go to a hospital er and tell them what has happened or u need to see your new medical dr immediately now. This is so sad right before christmas. I don't understand why he did not give you enough till you seen him. What was he talking about? Liability issues, yes he will have some if something happens to you. The same happened to me but a little different. I had the flu and I was vomiting all my medicine up and I didn't know what was going on. My husband took me to the emergency room and I went into an unresponsive seizure caused by not having my ativan in me. I was throwing up for like four days along with my pain medication. I thought I was going to die. I had a headache and lost my eyesight for a while; but that was caused by the seizure before it happened. Next thing I know they are bagging me in the hospital to help me breathe. So yes go get help right now, don't wait. How careless can a dr be? My opinion, the dr's don't care no more about patients since this so called opiate crisis. I have been messed up half of my life due to back surgeries. I have crps. It's like your body is on fire plus have arthritis, ra, psoriatic arthritis, gout arthritis, gout fibromyalgia, chronic pain, chronic nausea. It goes on and on and they have been taking my meds down to hardly nothing and I will not suffer because of them. Now trying to take me off my ativan that I need. Been on it 30 yrs for anxiety and panic attacks and depression. Also have lung disease and when I have an attack I can't hardly breath so thats why they put me on it to start with. Now they say cdc don't want patients on benzo when taking pain medication which is a bunch of s***. I've been on them over half my life, now age 64 and they're going to pull the rug out from under my feet. No, won't happen. I will leave this evil world as that's what it has become with the government taking over our health care telling us what we can take and how much or they scare the dr to shut them down. Then you are cut off and thrown under the bus. But please find a way to get help soon. Don't want you to feel like that don't know your age but the older you are the worse it could be. Take care, god bless, prayers and hugs... Let us know how it turns out hope for the good. I hope you have a merry christmas and home you get help.

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Re: BILLY (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

They are under no obligation by law to refill and can refuse to do so.

I was cut off from clonazepam that I take for epilepsy and I can’t quite remember the reason because my memory isn’t what it should be due to the seizures. But the fact is you have to go to your appointments and you have to be seen. If you skip too many appointments or you asked for too many favors doctors will get sick of you and they are not going to risk their license over patients that they do not see in the office. But there is no law. I repeat no law that says they have to continue writing that. There should be but there is not. Yes it was a pain because I couldn’t drive because of the seizures. But I made sure that I had an appointment and I made sure I was seen. When my epilepsy was at its worst. And this was before they had escript. The doctor would leave the prescription at the front desk for my husband or another family member to pick up for me. Because every seizure put me into cardiac arrest.

The doctors when it comes to anxiety medications are under no obligation to continue to see you or treat you or prescribe the medications when you do not show up to your appointments and expect it to be called in for you. My husband is an attorney for Worker’s Compensation and knows all the laws regarding this. That’s the only reason I know.

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Re: Mandi (# 617) Expand Referenced Message

some of us do have transportation issues, where I live, there aren't buses. that was kinda a snotty answer

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Really. You really can’t find a damn bus to get there? Excuses. You messed up and this is the outcome. You better hope once you do get there, that you get anything anymore.

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Re: Maria (# 611) Expand Referenced Message

I do know how that feels. I have experienced it. It's horrid. I was cold turkey'd off of Klonipin. After being on it for 6+ years I was taking over 4 mg daily! I felt the way you did, plus hot flashes, insomnia, equilibrium problems, tinnitus, derealization, depersonalization, overstimulation, I could go on and on.

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Re: Maria (# 611) Expand Referenced Message

You are in tolerance with those symtoms I do believe. I know, I have been there. I was held hostage to benzos. Oh gosh, I do hope the Dr. doesn't up dose you. If that happens, the medication is causing you all the grief. I know from personal experience.

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You are going through withdrawals, Oh My! if you can, go to an ER or urgent care and get enough until you can get someone to prescribe you more. Gosh it's horrid, I know first hand.

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Re: w John (# 609) Expand Referenced Message

when it comes to benzo, it's very hard, the withdrawals are not like an opioid withdrawal. I know first hand. it can take months to years with horrid symptoms.

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Re: Maria (# 611) Expand Referenced Message

You need to taper very very very slowly. Yes its horrible the withdrawals, your body is dependent on them, as mine were. Once we are on them, we are hostages to them. Its the hardest medication to get off of. And most of the medical community does not recognize Benzo withdrawals, they can last for months to yrs.

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Re: Verwon (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

Going off xanax after being on it for 10 yrs makes one feel very ill. Dr certainly does not care about their patient! If i forget my AM med by lunchtime i am terribly nauseated and dizzy. Unless you know how this feels your advice does not help anyone.

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No medication should be stopped cold turkey. There are so many side effects to doing this. I would find out who to report your Doctor to probably the AMA. American medical association. This is very serious especially this medication. If this is really what happened I would go to the hospital tell them what happened and you need help. You will have withdrawals. Hope you get an answer

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