Opana Er During Pregnancy
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Has anyone taking opana er during pregnancy? I have been on them and do not want to stop because i will withdraw. I just want to know if anyone has had a healthy pregnancy while taking them?

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Re: Missing baby joren (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

I hope you're OK. Your kids need and love you, stay strong! ??

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You, among others here, are absolutely ridiculous, outrageous, and WRONG!!! You CANNOT withdraw from any opiate while pregnant. The withdrawal effects on the mothers body poses way more harm to the baby than the opiates. The OB Should be informed of what is going on, and a dose should be regulated for the duration of the pregnancy. You should be ASHAMED of telling these mothers they will kill their baby by taking pain meds. It is completely untrue, and you obviously have no idea what the hell you are talking about.

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Suboxone is not safe to the last poster. It is far more dangerous if on legal opioids to suddenly stop. You will likely miscarry.

You can titrate down but anyone on a contract is likely in jeopardy. PM's ask if you are pregnant or considering pregnancy. I've seen many fine PM's facing state medical board charges over giving opioids to women who later blame the physician when they signed a contract and got themselves pregnant. The physician did not spread your legs...

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The original post was written 4 years ago. I am sorry you lost your baby but clearly it was not due to your use of narcotics.

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No,I haven't&none ofm y friends...I don't think they'd say and However in my early twenties,I did take narcotics while pregnant,my son was a healthy weight,but the docs said he tubes in his throat weren't fully developed& would developi n a couple months,long story short,he died at 6 months.I think you're kidding yourself,u know the truth.best of luck for the baby who has no choice.if I knew you I'd call CPS.

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Duragesic and Methadone are the most difficult extended withdrawal medications to safely taper this hardcore opioids can take well over a year or more with a humane provider to taper you.

If you are on the drug for pain then did you tell your physician you were pregnant? You will likely these days lose your provider if you did not prevent pregnancy. read your contract to the letter for your physician becomes liable when an unborn child is being fed a class 2 narcotic. They do not cause especially old school pain medications birth defects; the one poster who was on Percocet is correct, it is relatively safe and during my pregnancies some years ago before we used long acting in the medical industry at least in most cases the risk of uncontrolled pain on the unborn child was higher than treating the pain.

You would NEVER start Methadone in a pregnancy when already on one long acting, how stupid! Street addicts are a different category but it is the people that are abusing prescription drugs that are killing legitimate pain clients such as myself who will die as I've progressed to Central Pain Syndrome and Odumma and government think they can dictate physician and professional nurses or licensed individuals from doing their job.

Watch what you say here people, a pregnant woman has multiple issues first and foremost a legal responsibility to her physician and unborn child and should be directly in contact with the physician providing her this drug for consultation and decisions.

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Hi.. In regards to pregnancy and opiates,!obviously the best option is always to stop any category medication that has risk. BUT unfortunately sometimes there are circumstances where u can't stop. I was in hospital with a pulmonary embolism when I was told I was approx 11 wks. pregnant. It was unplanned and because of previous radiation treatments I no longer cycled nor thought it was possible for pregnancy. I was currently on dilaudid oral and fentanyl mcg 100 every 72 hours. I immediately went to high risk neonatal dr to discuss options. Dr was VERY knowledgable regarding my situation medically and the pros n cons of stoping and not stoping. Long story short, I carried my baby to 34wks(early delivery due to medical issues). I was prepared for my baby to have mild to severe withdrawal but by the grace of god she had NO medical issues and NO withdrawal issues. I truly believe this was a miracle and if I had it to over again not sure I would've risked the use during pregnancy but at the time I TRULY had no choice to continue.either the pregnancy with the meds or terminante(which I wouldn't do). My advice is consult w specialty neonatal dr, and if you continue meds make sure your medical team is fully prepared at delivery for every possible complication. Take care of yourself and DONT be afraid to talk about these concerns openly regardless what others may say or think. Remember if u r non functional your baby will not b either. God bless

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If you're scared to go through withdrawin, think of what your unborn child will experience. I would say no to all opiates during pregnancy. Also the mother who swears by opana, yes it may be a last resort pain med but for a cancer patient. Hydro-morphone isnt exactly a light weight drug. It is a little stronger than dilauded (hydro-morphone) it is morphine mixed with straight percocet.

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If you're scared to go through withdrawin, think of what your unborn child will experience. I would say no to all opiates during pregnancy.

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Thank you for saying this so perfectly! I have a very long cyst in my spinal cord. Tremendous pain for the past 5 years. I didn't think I could get pregnant (getting my tubes tied!) but I MUST say-To all of you posters that don't know chronic, debilitating, every-minute-of-the-day pain? Shame on you. Casting your judgement onto worried mothers, well let's just call it like it is- disgusting. Most people who are on Opana are chronic pain patients with documented diseases. They don't go around prescribing it to acute patients and for most, it's a last resort for long term pain relief versus taking dbl of something else. How ever you may have stumbled upon this post-maybe you're in my shoes and sick to death about making the best decision that is for the benefit of your baby-hope you can sift through the hateful comments and see you're not alone

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My heart goes out to anyone who needs support from this forum because of misinformed and or the willfully ignorant individuals, professional and non-professional give their opinion on what they don't know. I have a few post prior to this one and I am glad to say that dispute all the odds against me I had an uneventful ending to my pregnancy and my son was delivered 3 weeks early by elective induction because of the need to control my blood situation. He was a healthy 6 lbs 5 oz 20 1/2 in long. Apgar score was 9.9 , he is now 4 months about 16 pounds 26 in long and amazing. By the way he had No withdrawals whatsoever!
I came to be an encouragement to all who need it. Hang in there and do the best you can according to your own situation.
Have a great day!

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I am so sorry for ur loss god bless u an ur family reading this has me in tears an I only hope that u learn to live ur life as time goes on I can't tell u that I will ever get better in time but plz don't hate yourself don't loose ur self to guilt stay strong hun

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I felt the need to comment even though this is an old post. I am currently pregnant, very early. I also suffer from CRPS. I take Opana ER 15mg twice a day and oxycodone IR for breakthrough. I was told that stopping these meds could cause miscarriage. There are options such as subutex or methadone but she said if the prescribing Dr is willing to write the Opana throughout pregnancy, that would be safer than switching. The pain we suffer and or withdrawal is much more devastating to a baby in utero. The posts that have been left are very wrong. Made by judgemental misinformed individuals. Of course we would ALL prefer to be pain free with NO meds, but unfortunately that's not always the case.

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I WAS an addict and pregnant. Correction, I am an addict, BUT, I got on SUboxone and gave up the opiates. Baby was born healthy. SHe is 5, smart, and beautiful!

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The doctor recommended that I start cutting back. By the eigth month try to get off of them. Doctor said withdrawals and pain is much worse for baby than the actual medicine itself. If this is a prescription maybe they can give you percocets instead. If this is for pleasure try to switch to percocets. I know the feeling is not the same but percs are safer. If you use them recreationally try not to let the doctors know, you will wind up being red flagged by the DEA and if you need pain medication in the future, you will be denied. Best of luck to you and CONGRATULATIONS on the pregnancy. I will keep you and your baby in my prayers.

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This S*** is Ridiculous!!!! Why would anyone with a baby n them take Opana?!?! YOU'RE addicted and your poor baby will be too. get off it and I mean get off it NOW. Suboxone is safe. And u can't say that at 6 months old a baby is perfectly normal. U have no idea if he has a learning disability! U could wake up tomorrow and he or she may not. THIS is SICK. DO NOT TAKE OPANA DURING PREGNANCY OR AFTER! The child needs a mother, not an addict. God, help these ppl!

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Nobody wants to go through pregnancy in chronic pain..I broke my pack 10 years ago..started early menopause and married a man older then I who was told could not have children..we ended up pregnant..I take opana and got pregnant.. advice from my pain dr... MY BABY was born with withdrawals July 19th..I was surfacing for some answers and stumbled Upon this sight AND seen some rude comments ..if your that horrible of a person to bring a baby in this world to addiction by choice ..being pain inside u r mind verses u r body..you need much prayer..I did not choose for my baby to be born addicted and even though I have a huge medical team helping him ...I do not feel better and is a pain a lot of people could not bear because it makes me feel like dying every day..I could not of carried my son with out some level of pain control..I also have 9 other discs out..so when I see comments as to asking someone why they would have a baby if in Chronic pain (I gave an answer for many out there)

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You have no right to judge a person wanting to be a mom who suffers from pain. I had a friend who was a cancer patient and wanted to give her husband a baby before she passed. She died right after giving birth but she was on heavy pain meds the whole time she was pregnant and her daughter was perfect. You never know the situation and in fact most doctors will NOT take you off your pain meds but replace them with something different as to not cause WD which will kill a baby inutero in a lot more cases.

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Mothers on medication have normal babies everyday.

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To all the ppl judging the pregnant moms on pain meds go jump off a two story balcony then see how many medical problems arise from that or go crash into something ! Untill you know don't come on here puttin lg ppl down that just come on trying to get support from other mothers or moms to be who have gone through or are going through the same thing. It's scary and stressfull enough they don't need your perfectly sorry ass self comin on here acting like your better cuz that attitude in itself makes you an unbetter person these ppl aren't crack heads or H addicts they are patients with severe Pain so stfu!! Now to the ppl who wana judge me i give two s***s about your comments. I am also on percoset I take about 5 a day I have lots of documented legit issues with my body so ill keep it short i been on these meds for years now I'm in my second trimester dueby end of July. I'm tryning to get off my pills by time I'm 6 months I'm gona Butr the bullet and start weaning off now it's scary but Im off work now so I can just lay around n take Tylenol the last few months. I took myself off phentanyl 100 mcg the day I decided to get pregnat it was pretty crazy. But not as bad as ppl say ! I has trouble sleeping for two or three days sweat & cold at same time sever anxiety aswell I tried GETING off both meds but no way I could do both the percoset helped me get back on track I started with two or three a day after the second day. Now I only went on the patch for four days but cuz I ran out my perks so I put it on a few hours then cut It in half I' got the dry ones ( no gell).,( I need to manage my pills better but they seem not to work the same until my third dose but I take em evry 2 hours then every 4 after my third dose). After I cut the patch in half I left it on the rest if the day then at nite i cut that in half again by peeling off half then cuting. by the morning. I'm on a quarter of it & felt fine no pills just occasional Tylenol in the second day. The end of the second day I cut it into less than a quarter literaly the size of a nickel & still didn't need percoset I would stay busy and I did good;) by the end of that day I was feeling pain so I put on half a patch and did the same routine of cutin off halfs for next three days then I got my percoset refill and took one every four hours but I had already took off the patch piece. I'm not a dr not telling ppl to try this either just saying what I experience that's all. I got two ultrasounds the baby looks well . I need to do more diagnostics to make certain she's A ok. In Gods hands I trust! I'm gona do it. I'm gona give it all I got and I will be off these meds even if I Gota suffer the last three months I will stay doing scrapbooks cleanin or sewing anything to take my mind of pain ( oh yeah I have a tens unit) it helps a lot too ill be on that more often) Good luck to all of you mothers and moms to be have faith and just do the best you can you can do anything no matter what's other ppl say or how they say its horrible withdrawals its gona pass in three days you can do Tylenol extra strength or Motrin we can do this!!

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