Out Of My Oxycontin
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I pulled a good one. My RXs were not in sync; one for extended release one week and the other immediate release the next. So I'm out waiting and going through hell. All because I let my pharmacy only give me enough for 3 weeks. Now they say they can't give me the ones they kept. I really didn't know it was going to be that way. Has anyone ever had this happen?

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When u take a prescription like that to be filled and they don't have All our quantity there not supposed to fill it. If u agree to take say 50 of 60 tablets, then the remainder is forfeited. If they didnt tell u that ,then thats wrong and u should del complain. Also u can take the bottle to the dr. And show it to them. Doing that verifies what you told them and why you do not hace enough tl make it through the month. And Just a tip if u are going to be on the be medicines a long time. Always make sure your appointments line up with your scripts. In an emergency, u can go to the ER n they will help. Also rem u can get less meds if u go out of sync again ,but make your following appt earlier. And def don't let more than a week difference between. These meds are no joke. Im disabled and have taken these meds for years. The last 3/4 years though, its bien crazy how hard it is. The biggest Thing you can do is same DR N same Pharmacy and never accept a percentage of your país meds. Because like i said u forfeit the remaining fue you. A good dr will work with you when that happens but sometimes their hands are tied too. The Law doesnt always allow them to write u another Script. Depending on the state

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I believe the Specialty pharmacy, Avilla, in Sacramento will fill anything. They work with pain management Drs. only. Google

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Your pharmacy MUST give you EXACTLY what your Prescription says, period. IF they are refusing to release your medications to you then either:

1. You already went thru your last prescription and are a week early which not many pharmacies will do anything except tell you to come back on the day you're allowed to refill or pickup your next week, 2 weeks, months, etc prescription(s).

Or 2. If you were only given 3 weeks out of a 4 week prescription and the pharmacy is still refusing to release the remaining weeks worth of medication then try talking to the head pharmacist or go back to your doctor and explain it to him/her and your doctor will either call the pharmacy or write you another prescription. ( IF your doctor writes you a new prescription i suggest you go to a new and different pharmacy!!! )

AND 3. IF by chance you're abusing your medications and trying to pull a fast one to get more pills so you can feel high, PLEASE think of the people that truly do need these narcotic pain medications and end up having to go thru severe headaches and hell to get their pain medications because of people that abuse and act illegally just to either feel high or sell them. This I hope is NOT the case and totally not what you're doing.

Opiate pain meds are literally killing 80,000 people every year in the USA due to abuse, mixing of medications, mixing with other street drugs or alcohol, or overdoses due to lots of different reasons. Those of us that literally need these pain medications just to be able to live a somewhat normal life absolutely despise those that abuse them as those people cause us major problems and cause the media to report insane crazy stories which makes all of us honest users of pain meds look bad and make us constantly have to defend ourselves which is wrong and a major piss off big time. Just imagine if this was your mom, grandma or other family member having to deal with drug abusers. Hope you find the solution you're looking for.

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It just depends on which state in which you live. My state, Texas, will not let you get the remaining portion of an Rx unless it's within 72 hours of when the original was filled. I'm curious as to why you let them keep one week of your pills??? As long as it's a genuine, lawful Rx, no pharmacy in the land can withhold your medicine. They can make your life a living hell, i.e. Checking your Rx background and report any unusual findings to your current doctor, call around to other pharmacies and ask questions about you making you sound suspicious, etc. I could go on forever!!! I have found that if you experience those kinds of problems, save some of your meds during prior months. Good luck to you in the future and I hope someday you can be pain-free!!!

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Yes, that is normal pharmacy policy for controlled substances. You'll need a new prescription from your doctor to get the rest, or to wait until your next fill time.

The FDA classifies this medication as a narcotic analgesic, so it has the potential to be habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, drowsiness, dry mouth and constipation.

Is there anything else I can help with?

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