Doctors Willing To Prescribe Oxycodone In Phoenix (Page 8) (Top voted first)


Please please please someone direct me to a doctor who will listen and prescribe the amount of oxycodone my son needs. Pain management clinics are a joke and fall short of what we know will keep him comfortable until they can do the therapy or procedures that may be able to get him out of pain so he doesn't have to take it. He only needs 60 mg a day in 4 15 mg doses. That is what we've found works and makes it so he doesn't get sick from the meds and is out of the considerable pain he is in. He can't work because they won't give him enough to function. I have spent so much money I dont have to take care of him! He has Ahccs healthcare coverage! They only give him 3 10mg pills a day which falls short of the care he needs and is in so much pain. I am at my wits end! We are in Gilbert Arizona and need a doctor who will listen to the patient so we can pursue the other surgical and therapy options! He has a degenerative disc problem.

155 Replies (8 Pages)

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Re: Alicia (# 149) Expand Referenced Message

Where are you located Alicia? I listed a good doctor some posts back as long as you have legit paperwork. I'm waiting as i write this for a real good doc also in Phoenix. My friend is supposed to text me the information today sometime. It's hard now. I know.

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Re: Phoenix girl (# 142) Expand Referenced Message

Hannah bangura won't.. Just saw her and won't go higher than 10/325 percocet.. I need higher.. They won't listen.. I have had CRPS for 11 yrs..

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Re: Irwin (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

Hey @Irwin im from Mississippi and traveling im trying to see if you any dr. there i can see ok thanx

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Re: J2thaZ (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hey @J2thaZ im from Mississippi and traveling im trying to see if you any dr. there i can see ok thanx

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Re: Chuck (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

I need a new pain dr bad. Is there any way you could you please help????

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Re: J2thaZ (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I’m in need of a new pain dr. Could you please help me find a new pain dr??????

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I'm new to the Phoenix area and looking for a pain management doctor who will write a script for 20 mg oxycodone. Does anyone know of a doctor and/or clinic?

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I'm pretty sure in the state of Arizona you are not allowed to use both opiates and medical marijuana, you are only given the option of one or the other. So a pain specialist usually will not prescribe you any opiates if you use medical marijuana. But they will offer injections/procedures. Some primary physicians will prescribe opiates even if you use medical marijuana...but I'm not sure who exactly. Sorry.

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Hello I just moved upto Mesa from Tucson, AZ. I have been in chronic pain management for 9 years now almost 10. I was in 3 severe car accidents 3 years in a row and lost 19% of the use of my back as well as a T7 fracture and a traumatic brain injury. I also have a rheumatoid condition that is coming out of remission. I was seeing a PCP in Tucson that did Pain management and I was on Methadone 10mg every 8 hours for the baseline pain and dilaudid 4mg every 4 hrs prn for breakthrough pain. I also take Soma 350mg. I have 4 different genetic mutations with one of them in the actual receptor site in my brain for one of the opioid pathways. Its called the 118A

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I was going to the same pain management for ten years until everything changed. I moved here from Utah about 10 years ago and my dr. there referred me to a dr. she went to school with which happened to be for cancer patients. She took me even though I didn't have cancer but tumors and a long story about that. I have a nerve stimulator too. They got everyone that wasn't a cancer patient out abd I found another place that was such a scam, $650 office visit, all kinds of blocks they want to do. A u a was over $400. They made you go by monthly. I didn't think to ask the prices but I can't afford that. Looking for a normal dr. I've been on meds for 20 years plus but looking through the reviews they all seem to be the same. Do you know of a normal doctor that will give me 10 mg methodone and 15 mg oc is what I have been on. Thanks for any help you can forward. The psychotic place of course is called Integrity erica they have none! I've had two doctors all these years and never a problem. Just trying to live my life. i live in North Phoenix bit will go anywhere else

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I am a 43 year old woman who is always in pain due to 20 years of diabetes nd a active history of valley fever.My back and lungs hurt constantly and I've een out of my 30's for a few months now because my doctor doesnt prescribe them anymore.I pay out of pocket for my doctor and my meds.Does anyone know where I can find a doctor who still prevides them.I'm lways in so much pain.

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Hello, i have had a bad infection in my hip and have damaged tissue and lots of pain to walk and have tried just about everything and the only things that really work are opioids. I am also looking for a doc that will prescribe pain meds in Phoenix too and would appreciate the help.

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Hey I can give you one reallllyyy good Dr. But I am in the same boat as you, I cannot see him anymore but first visit with him he wrote me 150 30mg OxyIRs. If you could let me know one of your Drs I will gladly give you his name and multiple others. Thanks.

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Please provide a few names of drs who will prescribe pain meds.

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dr that will prescribe oxycodone in phoenix/Glendale az

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